


Edited by: Kerstin Breithaupt-Grögler, Ingrid Klingmann, Hildegard Sourgens, Michael Hammond, Ulrike Lorch, Jorg Taubel, Jan de Hoon, Luc Van Bortel, Henri Caplain, Yves Donazzolo, Tim Hardman, Steffan Stringer

Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

ISBN: 978-2-88945-202-6

Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book

EUFEMED CONFERENCE, London, UK 17 - 19 May 2017

EUFEMED 2017 is the 1st conference of the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED; ). EUFEMED was founded in 2015 as a result of an ongoing, informal collaboration between 4 national societies active in the area of human pharmacology in Europe: the Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH, Germany), the Association for Human Pharmacology in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AHPPI, United Kingdom), the Belgian Association for Phase-I Units (BAPU, Belgium) and Club Phase 1 (France). EUFEMED is aiming to be a “voice” in the interest of exploratory medicines development in Europe and is welcoming additional societies and organisations from other European countries. Recently organisations from The Netherlands and Czech Republic have joined EUFEMED as new associate members.

The EUFEMED 2017 programme on “exploratory medicines development: innovation and risk management”, has been compiled with world renowned experts in human pharmacology. A wide range of highly topical issues will be presented ranging from most recent therapeutic developments to different methods to mitigate risks in early phase clinical studies.

A 1-day pre-conference workshop takes place on 17 May and is dedicated to practical aspects of assessing and mitigating risk in early clinical drug development.

EUFEMED 2017 welcomed abstracts for both oral and poster presentations dealing with early phase clinical studies, innovative methods and imaging techniques in exploratory medicines development. The presentation of new data at this meeting provides the opportunity for scientific interaction and discussion with a highly informed audience.