Neuronal migration: Leading process actin flows away from the cell body during nucleokinesis.

Neuronal migration: Leading process actin flows away from the cell body during nucleokinesis.

Leading process actin (arrow) moves toward the distal leading process during nucleokinesis. The line indicates the initial position of the nucleus. The nucleus is seemingly drawn forward by leading process actin flow. Looped 10 min time-lapse images of actin-GFP in a migrating GnRH neuron from Figure 4A (Hutchins et al., 2013). Hutchins B.I., Klenke, U. and Wray S. (2013). Calcium release-dependent actin flow in the leading process mediates axophilic migration. Journal of Neuroscience 33(28): 11361-11371.
doi: 10.1523/​JNEUROSCI.3758-12.2013