Event Abstract

Predictable Feature Analysis

  • 1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for Neural Computation, Germany

Slow feature analysis (SFA) is an algorithm that has proven valuable in several fields and problems concerning signal- and data analysis. The idea is that a drastic, yet reasonable dimensionality reduction can be obtained by focusing on slowly varying sub-signals, the so-called “slow features”. Typical data-analysis and recognition tasks, such as regression and classification, become much more feasible on the reduced signal and can be applied afterwards.

Our current research is focused on a way to handle interactive scenarios, which involve notions of control, planning and decision-making. In order to perform any kind of planning or intelligent control it is crucial to have a model that is capable of estimating the consequences of possible actions. In control theory, such models are usually formulated as a set of (partial) differential equations in a problem specific manner. In contrast to that, we follow an SFA-inspired approach that preserves the main advantages of SFA - namely its unsupervised nature and the ability to build a model in a self-organizing fashion. We aim to achieve this by replacing the objective of slowness by an objective of predictability, because predictability is a desired property of the needed consequence-estimating model by definition. We call this approach “Predictable Feature Analysis” (PFA).

This work deals with the involved problem of recognizing and extracting predictable features from an input signal. To this end we first have to specify the meaning of “predictable”. While there exist model independent notions from information theory (cf. information bottleneck approach), we consider predictability with respect to a certain prediction model. In the current setup, we consider aspects as predictable if they can be predicted by a linear autoregressive model after an optional, non-linear preprocessing. This results in a nested optimization problem, which is quite involved. The features extracted must be optimized for predictability, but judging their predictability is an optimization problem by itself.

We present a tractable algorithm with relaxed constraints and some preliminary results on artificial data sets.


The authors acknowledge support from the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research within the National Network Computational
Neuroscience - Bernstein Fokus: "Learning behavioral models: From human
experiment to technical assistance", grant FKZ 01GQ0951.


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Keywords: data analysis, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, model building, predictability, self organization, Signal analysis, unsupervised learning

Conference: Bernstein Conference 2012, Munich, Germany, 12 Sep - 14 Sep, 2012.

Presentation Type: Poster

Topic: Data analysis, machine learning, neuroinformatics

Citation: Richthofer S, Weghenkel B and Wiskott L (2012). Predictable Feature Analysis. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference 2012. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2012.55.00120

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Received: 11 May 2012; Published Online: 12 Sep 2012.

* Correspondence: Mr. Stefan Richthofer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for Neural Computation, Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, 44780, Germany, stefan.richthofer@gmx.de