Event Abstract

IBMA: An SPM toolbox for NeuroImaging Image-Based Meta-Analysis

  • 1 University of Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group, United Kingdom
  • 2 University of Warwick, Department of Statistics, United Kingdom

While most neuroimaging meta-analyses are based on peak coordinate data, the best practice method is an image-based meta-analysis that combines the effect estimates and the standard errors from each study [7]. Various efforts are underway to facilitate sharing of neuroimaging data to make such intensity-based meta-analysis possible (see, e.g. [4]).
When image data is available for each study, a number of approaches (see [6] for a review) have been proposed to perform such meta-analysis including combination of standardised statistics, just effect estimates or both effects estimates and their sampling variance. While the latter is the preferred approach in the statistical community [1], often only standardised estimates are shared, reducing the possible meta-analytic approaches.
In view of the increasing availability of image data for neuroimaging analyses, we introduce IBMA, a toolbox for SPM [8] providing a set of tools for image-based meta-analysis. The toolbox is freely available at: https://github.com/NeuroimagingMetaAnalysis/ibma.

Using the IBMA toolbox, we studied six meta-analytic approaches based on:
- contrast estimates only: Random-effects General Linear Model (RFX GLM);
- contrast estimates and standard errors: Fixed-effects General Linear Model (FFX GLM);
- Z-statistic: Fisher’s [2], Stouffer [9], Mixed-effects (MFX) Stouffer [7];
- Z-statistic and sample size: Weighted-Z [5,10].
Out of these six approaches, two are random-effects methods (RFX GLM, Stouffer MFX) and therefore offers the possibility to deal with studies heterogeneity. The fixed-effects approaches are strictly only appropriate if the between-study variance is null.
Using 21 studies of pain in control subjects, we visually compared the results obtained at p< 0.05 FDR corrected using the six meta-analytic approaches. The reference results were computed with the best-practice analysis: a 3-level hierarchical model: level 1, subject FFX; level 2, study MFX; level 3: meta-analysis MFX, using FSL’s FLAME method [3].

Results and conclusion
Fig. 1 presents the detection obtained at p< 0.05 FDR corrected in a one-sample meta-analysis of pain using the IBMA toolbox. Further work will investigate the validity of each meta-analytic approach in the context of neuroimaging.

Figure 1


This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust. We also gratefully acknowledge the use of this data from the Tracey pain group, FMRIB, Oxford.


[1] P. Cummings. 2004. Meta-analysis based on standardized effects is unreliable. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 158(6):595–7.
[2] R.A. Fisher. 1932. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
[3] S.M. Smith, P.R. Bannister, C. Beckman, M. Brady, S. Clare, D. Flitney, P. Hansen, M. Jenkinson, D. Leibovici, B. Ripley, M. Woolrich, J. Zhang. NeuroImage. 2001. Fsl: new tools for functional and structural brain image analysis. 13 (6), 249.
[4] K. J. Gorgolewski, T. Yarkoni, S.S. Ghosh, R.A. Poldrack, J.-B. Poline, Y. Schwarz, D.S. Margulies. 2013. NeuroVault.org: A web database for sharing statistical parametric maps. Poster presented at 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, USA.
[5] T. Liptak. 1958. On the combination of independent tests. Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutato Int. Kozl., 3:171–197
[6] J. Radua and D. Mataix-Cols. 2012. Meta-analytic methods for neuroimaging data explained. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 2(1):6.
[7] G. Salimi-khorshidi , S. M. Smith, J. R. Keltner, T. D. Wager and T. E. Nichols. 2009. Meta-analysis of neuroimaging data: a comparison of image-based and coordinate-based pooling of studies. NeuroImage, 45(3):810–23.
"Statistical Parametric Mapping." SPM -. Accessed April 03, 2014. http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/
[8] S. Stouffer, L. DeVinney, and E. Suchmen. 1949. The American Soldier: Adjustment During Army Life, volume 1. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
[9] D V Zaykin. 2011. Optimally weighted Z-test is a powerful method for combining prob- abilities in meta-analysis. Journal of evolutionary biology, 24(8):1836–41.

Keywords: Meta-analysis, Neuroimaging, MRI, fMRI methods, Statistics as Topic, Toolbox, SPM

Conference: Neuroinformatics 2014, Leiden, Netherlands, 25 Aug - 27 Aug, 2014.

Presentation Type: Poster, to be considered for oral presentation

Topic: Neuroimaging

Citation: Maumet C and Nichols TE (2014). IBMA: An SPM toolbox for NeuroImaging Image-Based Meta-Analysis. Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: Neuroinformatics 2014. doi: 10.3389/conf.fninf.2014.18.00025

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Received: 04 Apr 2014; Published Online: 04 Jun 2014.

* Correspondence: Dr. Camille Maumet, University of Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group, Coventry, United Kingdom, contact@camillemaumet.com