Event Abstract

Prediction-based auditory responses to omissions of self-generated sounds

  • 1 Leipzig University, Germany

We have sufficient indication that prediction affects the processing of incoming sensory information. Effects of prediction can be observed, e.g., in an attenuation of sensory responses to self-generated sounds or in the elicitation of the mismatch negativity to deviant stimuli. However we still know very little about the form that the underlying prediction leading to these effects takes in the human brain or whether different effects of prediction might be achieved through a common neurophysiologic substrate that represents the specific prediction at a point in time. We combined a self-generation and a regularity extraction paradigm in order to induce a strong specific prediction. We then isolated electrophysiological activity associated to the specific prediction, by randomly omitting the predicted stimulus. Participants pressed a button and a sound click was delivered without delay. In separate blocks, self-generated sounds were omitted with a probability of p=.12 or p=.50. Participants also passively listened to the sound sequences previously generated by them; and a motor-only control was included in which no sound was delivered with the button press. Omissions of self-generated sounds evoked a clear peak of activity that resembled responses to the actual sounds in timing and amplitude over temporal sites. The activity was localized to the auditory cortices by means of inverse source modeling. This auditory-like omission response was only elicited when omissions were rare; however, the auditory N1 response was still attenuated relative to passive listening when sounds where delivered only in 50% of the button presses. Thus, predictive processes underlying self-generation effects and deviance detection appear to be independent.


Funded by a DFG-Reinhart-Koselleck award to Erich Schröger

Keywords: Auditory Perception, predictive coding

Conference: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI), Palma, Mallorca, Spain, 25 Sep - 29 Sep, 2011.

Presentation Type: Symposium: Oral Presentation

Topic: Symposium 2: Predictive coding in perception and cognition

Citation: SanMiguel I, Widmann A, Bendixen A and Schröger E (2011). Prediction-based auditory responses to omissions of self-generated sounds. Conference Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI). doi: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2011.207.00019

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Received: 03 Nov 2011; Published Online: 08 Nov 2011.

* Correspondence: Dr. Iria SanMiguel, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, isanmiguel@ub.edu