Displaying 1 - 10 out of 25 Books


Carbon dioxide removal: Perspectives from the social sciences and humanities

Anders Hansson, Mathias Fridahl, Miranda Boettcher, Shinichiro Asayama
Frontiers Media SA

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches are becoming increasingly central to visions of decarbonizing national economies. The past few years have seen an increasing number of countries committed to...


Generating Actionable Climate Information in Support of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Andreas Marc Fischer, Janette Bessembinder, Fai Fung, Hans Olav Hygen, Katharine Jacobs

Frontiers Media SA

Climate change is under way in full extent, adversely affecting more and more facets in nature,...


Decision Making for the Net Zero Transformation: Considerations and New Methodological Approaches

Mark Workman, Adrian Gault, Geoff Darch, Katy Roelich, Gireesh Shrimali

Frontiers Media SA

Special edition compiled in partnership with Frontiers sponsored by the


New Approaches to Local Climate Change Risk Analysis

Åsa Gerger Swartling, Carlo Aall, Emmanuel M. N. A. N. Attoh

Frontiers Media SA

The JPI Climate – AXIS project “Unpacking climate impact CHAINs. A new generation of action – and...


Enhanced weathering and synergistic combinations with other CDR methods

Jens Hartmann, David Beerling, Mathilde Hagens, Sara Vicca

Frontiers Media SA


Insights in Negative Emission Technologies: 2021

Phil Renforth, Etsushi Kato, Mijndert Van Der Spek

Frontiers Media SA


Advances in marine heatwave interactions

Sarah Elizabeth Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Alex Sen Gupta, Thomas Wernberg, Svenja Ryan, Vanessa Hernaman, Jeremy Pittman

Frontiers Media SA


Democratizing data: Environmental data access and its future

Michael C. Kruk, Lauren A. Jackson, Kevin A. Butler, Tiffany C. Vance, Nazila Merati

Frontiers Media SA




Displaying 1 - 10 out of 25 Books

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