Displaying 1 - 7 out of 7 Books


Human-Centred Computer Audition: Sound, Music, and Healthcare

Kun Qian, Gyorgy Fazekas, Björn Wolfgang Schuller, Shengchen Li, Zijin Li
Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic has been organized in partnership with CSMT 2021.

Machines have been taught to “see” much more than to “hear” in the...


Patient Safety: Delivering Cost-Contained, High Quality, Person-Centered, and Safe Healthcare

Sandra C. Buttigieg, Wilfried von Eiff, Vivienne Byers, Gianpaolo Tomaselli

Frontiers Media SA


The Impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Individuals and Society

Mel Slater, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives, Albert Rizzo, Massimo Bergamasco

Frontiers Media SA


Active Learning: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Studies and Design Profiles

Robert Cassidy, Elizabeth S. Charles, James D. Slotta, Nathaniel Lasry

Frontiers Media SA

This book represents the emerging efforts of a growing international network of researchers and...


Invasive alien species are non-indigenous taxa introduced to areas beyond their natural...


MAPPING: MAnagement and Processing of Images for Population ImagiNG

Michel Dojat, Wiro Niessen, David N. Kennedy

Frontiers Media SA

Several recent papers underline methodological points that limit the validity of published results...


Investigating Human Nature and Communication through Robots

Shuichi Nishio, Hideyuki Nakanishi, Tsutomu Fujinami

Frontiers Media SA

The development of information technology enabled us to exchange more items of information among us...


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