Displaying 1 - 10 out of 21 Books


Agrobiodiversity, Community Participation and Landscapes in Agroecology

León-Sicard Tomás Enrique, Diego Griffon, Massimo De Marchi
Frontiers Media SA

Maintaining and managing agrobiodiversity is a key issue proposed by agroecology, not only to maintain high agricultural productivity, but also to increase the resilience, stability and...


Continuous Living Cover: Adaptive Strategies for Putting Regenerative Agriculture into Practice

Jacob Jungers, Jose G. Franco, Ashley Conway, Carol Williams, E. Britt Moore

Frontiers Media SA


Ocean/aquatic food systems: Interactions with ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, and people

Barry Antonio Costa-Pierce, Helgi Thor Thorarensen, Åsa Strand

Frontiers Media SA


Crop Pest Control and Pollination, volume II, 2nd edition

Fang Ouyang, Xingyuan Men, Wen Xie, Wei Li

Frontiers Media SA

The production of food crops helps us meet the basic need of human nutrition. The world's...


COVID-19: Food System Frailties and Opportunities

Claire Kremen, Elliot Berry, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Patrick Meyfroidt, Ivette Perfecto, Todd Rosenstock, José Antonio Teixeira, Hannah Wittman

Frontiers Media SA

The global coronavirus pandemic is revealing major weaknesses, inequities and system-wide risks in...


Nitrogen use to improve sustainable yields in agricultural systems

Sudhakar Srivastava, Andrews Opoku

Frontiers Media SA


Integrated Organic Farming Systems: Approach for Efficient Food Production and Environmental Sustainability

Subhash Babu, Sanjay Singh Rathore, Vinod Kumar Singh, Raghavendra Singh

Frontiers Media SA

Researchers and policy planners are in search of a solution to address the twin challenges of...


Agroecology in Policy and Practice

Rachel Bezner Kerr, Hans Rudolf Herren, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Caterina Batello Cattaneo, Franz-Theo Gottwald

Frontiers Media SA

In the past years, there has been steady growth in work relating to agroecology. People-centred,...


Building sustainable city region food systems to increase resilience and cope with crises

Francesco Orsini, Matteo Vittuari, Stefano Corsi, Dirk Wascher, Beatrice Walthall, Christian Bugge Henriksen, Candice Shoemaker, Myriam Paredes

Frontiers Media SA


Achieving food system resilience & equity in the era of global environmental change

Albie F. Miles, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan, Philip Dobie, Anja Gassner, Casey Hoy, Noa Kekuewa Lincoln, Kathleen Merrigan, Jennifer Sowerwine, Samina Raja

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 21 Books


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