Displaying 1 - 10 out of 352 Books


Power System Operation and Optimization Considering High Penetration of Renewable Energy

Shengyuan Liu, Zhenzhi Lin, Yuqing Dong, Jin Zhao
Frontiers Media SA

The energy landscape is shifting toward renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid...


Low-Carbon Oriented Improvement Strategy for Flexibility and Resiliency of Multi-Energy Systems

Yumin Zhang, Lu Zhang, Rufeng Zhang, Hao Wang, Shuai Yao

Frontiers Media SA

Due to the inherent volatility and randomness, the increasing share of energy from renewable...


Interaction between Automated Vehicles and other Road Users

Philipp Wintersberger, Debargha Dey, Andreas Locken

Frontiers Media SA

An increasing number of automated vehicles will pervade our traffic systems in the future. The...


Global warming, caused by a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs)...


This Research Topic is Volume II of a series. The previous volumes, which have attracted near...


Toxic chemicals, either from fire ground combustion, contaminated PPE, or off-gassing from PPE...


Advanced Technologies for Planning and Operation of Prosumer Energy Systems, volume III

Bin Zhou, Liansong Xiong, Jian Zhao, Jingyang Fang, Hugo Morais, Yonghui Liu, Junpeng Zhan, Ting Wu

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is Volume III of a series. The previous volumes, which have attracted over...


Energy Materials Based Novel Solar Thermal Applications

Muhammad Amjad, Enio Pedone Bandarra Filho, Shafiq Ahmad, Fahid Riaz, Muhammad Abdul Qyyum, Yanwei Hu, Jabbar Gardy

Frontiers Media sA

With increasing apprehensions over global warming and environmental issues, the need to develop...


Advanced Materials and Techniques for Structural Monitoring, Analysis and Control

Chun-Xu Qu, Liang Ren, Yunlai Zhou, Sadegh Shams, Qian Feng

Frontiers Media SA

Assessing the service status and maintaining the safety of existing structures are critical to the...


Sustainable Road Infrastructure: Technologies and Assessments

Meng Jia, Di Wang, Yangming Gao, Jianmin Ma, Dongdong Yuan

Frontiers Media SA

The construction of sustainable road infrastructures has become an issue of concern to the...


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