Displaying 1 - 10 out of 62 Books


Insect Conservation Behavior

Philip Thomas Starks, Rachael E. Bonoan, Helen McCreery
Frontiers Media SA

Behavior is the means through which animals interact with the environment and with each other. As such, behavior must be central to conservation efforts. In no example is this more clear than with...


Sex and Gender Effects on Power, Status, Dominance, and Leadership – An Interdisciplinary Look at Human and Other Mammalian Societies

Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk, Joey T. Cheng, Elise Huchard, Peter M. Kappeler, Tanja Hentschel, Jenny Veldman

Frontiers Media SA

Unequal power and status between the sexes usually translates into one sex monopolizing valuable...


Cognitive Movement Ecology

Eliezer Gurarie, Tal Avgar

Frontiers Media SA

At least since Darwin argued that the difference in cognitive abilities between animals and humans...


Adaptations to Subterranean Environments

Enrico Lunghi, Matthew Niemiller, Helena Bilandzija

Frontiers Media SA

Subterranean environments are characterized by distinct ecological conditions, the most important...


Duetting and Turn-Taking Patterns of Singing Mammals: From Genes to Vocal Plasticity, and Beyond

Patrice Adret, Dena Jane Clink, Charles T. Snowdon, Sofya Dolotovskaya

Frontiers Media SA

Mammalian vocal duets and turn-taking exchanges — long, coordinated acoustic signals exchanged...


Advances in the Evolutionary Ecology of Termites, Volume II

Alberto Arab, Solange Del Carmen Issa Ponce, Daniel Aguilera-Olivares

Frontiers Media SA

Termites are eusocial insects that live in colonies composed of hundreds to millions of...


Social Functions of Bat Vocalizations

Mirjam Knörschild, Han Li, Kirsten Bohn, Ahana Aurora Fernandez

Frontiers Media SA

Bats are highly gregarious mammals that have been extensively studied for their ability to...


A 150 years’ celebration of darwin’s book on human evolution and sexual selection: Its legacy and future prospects

Marco Antonio Correa Varella, Jaroslava Varella Valentova, Catherine Salmon, Barnaby James Wyld Dixson, Marina Butovskaya, Anabela Pinto Pinto, Boguslaw Pawlowski, Carol Cronin Weisfeld

Frontiers Media SA


Impact of anthropogenic environmental changes on animal microbiomes

Joel White, Katherine Amato, Ellen Decaestecker, Valerie McKenzie

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 62 Books


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