Displaying 1 - 10 out of 31 Books


Innovation in Developmental Psychology, Education, Sports, and Arts: Advances in Research on Individuals and Groups

Georgeta Panisoara, Radu Predoiu, Alexandra Predoiu, Andrzej Piotrowski
Frontiers Media SA

Due to the expansion of knowledge around us we are “besieged” by a multitude of data that attracts our attention and pressures us to interact with it, motivating us to receive information, memorize,...


Advancing teaching and learning in health sciences across healthcare professionals

Mário Gomes, Roger Azevedo, Ana Grilo, Ana Isabel Gomes Salgado

Frontiers Media SA


Evaluating Performance

Michele Biasutti, George Waddell, Aaron Williamon, Roberta Antonini Philippe

Frontiers Media SA


Performance Optimization in Racket Sports: the Influence of Psychological Techniques, Factors, and Strategies, 2nd edition

Nicolas Robin, Toru Ishihara, Miguel Crespo, Emma Guillet Descas

Frontiers Media SA

Research and empirical work have revealed the importance of psychological/mental skills, factors,...


Effort-based decision-making and cognitive fatigue

Michel Audiffren, Benjamin Pageaux, Rémi L. Capa, Nicolas Silvestrini, James Steele, Sabrina Ravel

Frontiers Media SA


Effective and attractive communication signals in social, cultural, and business contexts

Oliver Niebuhr, Francesca D’Errico, Ellen Anke Schmid, Alexander Michael Brem, Anna Esposito

Frontiers Media SA


The impact of shared leadership on group functioning and performance

Stewart T. Cotterill, Katrien Fransen, Todd M. Loughead

Frontiers Media SA


Rhythm across the arts and sciences: A synergy of research

Adina Mornell, Frank Heuser, Bettina E. Bläsing, Horst Hildebrandt

Frontiers Media SA


International symposium on performance science 2021

Aaron Williamon, Isabelle Cossette, Krzysztof Paweł Dąbrowski, Solange Glasser, Isabelle Héroux, Fabrice Marandola, Laura A. Stambaugh

Frontiers Media SA



Displaying 1 - 10 out of 31 Books

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Performance Science


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