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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  • 1. Summary Table
  • 2. Manuscript Guidelines
  • 2.1. Open access and copyright
  • 2.2. Registration with Frontiers
  • 2.3. Manuscript Requirements and Style Guide

    1. Summary Table

    Please view the table below for a summary on currently accepted article types and general manuscript style guidelines. Article types may vary depending on journal.

      Abstract (max. length) Running title (5 words) Figures and/or tables (combined) Manuscript (max. length) Peer review Author fees Submitted to PubMed Central or other indexing databases
    Original Research 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Review 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Book Review # # 1 1'000 words # # #
    Brief Research Report 250 words # 4 4'000 words # # #
    Case Report 350 words # 4 3'000 words # # #
    Clinical Trial 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Community Case Study 350 words # 5 5'000 words # # #
    Conceptual Analysis 350 words # 10 8'000 words # # #
    Curriculum, Instruction, and Pedagogy 350 words # 5 5'000 words # # #
    Data Report # # 2 3'000 words # # #
    Editorial # # 0 1'000 words* # # #
    Field Grand Challenge # # 1 2'000 words # # #
    General Commentary # # 1 1'000 words # # #
    Hypothesis and Theory 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Methods 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Mini Review 250 words # 2 3'000 words # # #
    Opinion # # 1 2'000 words # # #
    Policy & Practice Review 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Policy Brief 125 words # 5 3'000 words # # #
    Perspective 250 words # 2 3'000 words # # #
    Registered Report 350 words # 15 12,000 words # # #
    Specialty Grand Challenge # # 1 2'000 words # # #
    Systematic Reviews 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Study Protocol 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #
    Technology and Code 350 words # 15 12'000 words # # #

    * Editorials for Research Topics with 5 to 10 published articles have a maximum of 1'000 words, for Research Topics with more than 10 published articles the following applies: 1'100 words for 11 articles, 1'200 for 12 articles, 1'300 for 13 articles etc. up to maximum 5'000 words, for 50 or more papers.

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    2.3. Manuscript Requirements and Style Guide

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    Dr. Max Maximus



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    Succinct, with no subheadings.

    Materials and Methods

    This section may be divided by subheadings. This section should contain sufficient detail so that when read in conjunction with cited references, all procedures can be repeated. For experiments reporting results on animal or human subject research, an ethics approval statement should be included in this section (for further information, see section Materials and Data Policies)


    This section may be divided by subheadings. Footnotes should not be used and have to be transferred into the main text.


    This section may be divided by subheadings. Discussions should cover the key findings of the study: discuss any prior art related to the subject so to place the novelty of the discovery in the appropriate context; discuss the potential short-comings and limitations on their interpretations; discuss their integration into the current understanding of the problem and how this advances the current views; speculate on the future direction of the research and freely postulate theories that could be tested in the future.

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    When you submit your manuscript, you will be required to briefly summarize in 200 words your manuscript’s contribution to, and position in, the existing literature of your field. This should be written avoiding any technical language or non-standard acronyms. The aim should be to convey the meaning and importance of this research to a non-expert. While Frontiers evaluates articles using objective criteria, rather than impact or novelty, your statement should frame the question(s) you have addressed in your work in the context of the current body of knowledge, providing evidence that the findings - whether positive or negative - contribute to progress in your research discipline. This will assist the Chief Editors to determine whether your manuscript fits within the scope of a specialty as defined in its mission statement; a detailed statement will also facilitate the identification of the Editors and Reviewers most appropriate to evaluate your work, ultimately expediting your manuscript's initial consideration.

    Example Statement on: Markram K and Markram H (2010) The Intense World Theory – a unifying theory of the neurobiology of autism. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 4:224. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2010.00224

    Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affect up to 1 in 100 individuals. People with autism display an array of symptoms encompassing emotional processing, sociability, perception and memory, and present as uniquely as the individual. No theory has suggested a single underlying neuropathology to account for these diverse symptoms. The Intense World Theory, proposed here, describes a unifying pathology producing the wide spectrum of manifestations observed in autists. This theory focuses on the neocortex, fundamental for higher cognitive functions, and the limbic system, key for processing emotions and social signals. Drawing on discoveries in animal models and neuroimaging studies in individuals with autism, we propose how a combination of genetics, toxin exposure and/or environmental stress could produce hyper-reactivity and hyper-plasticity in the microcircuits involved with perception, attention, memory and emotionality. These hyper-functioning circuits will eventually come to dominate their neighbors, leading to hyper-sensitivity to incoming stimuli, over-specialization in tasks and a hyper-preference syndrome. We make the case that this theory of enhanced brain function in autism explains many of the varied past results and resolves conflicting findings and views and makes some testable experimental predictions.

    2.3.2. References

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    In-text citations: these should be called according to the surname of the first author, followed by the year. For works by 2 authors include both surnames, followed by the year. For works by more than 2 authors include only the surname of the first author, followed by et al., followed by the year. For Humanities and Social Sciences articles please include page numbers in the in-text citations.

    Article in a print journal:

    Sondheimer, N., and Lindquist, S. (2000). Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol. Cell. 5, 163-172.

    Article in an online journal:

    Tahimic, C.G.T., Wang, Y., Bikle, D.D. (2013). Anabolic effects of IGF-1 signaling on the skeleton. Front. Endocrinol. 4:6. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00006

    Article or chapter in a book:

    Sorenson, P. W., and Caprio, J. C. (1998). "Chemoreception," in The Physiology of Fishes, ed. D. H. Evans (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), 375-405.


    Cowan, W. M., Jessell, T. M., and Zipursky, S. L. (1997). Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. New York: Oxford University Press.


    Hendricks, J., Applebaum, R., and Kunkel, S. (2010). A world apart? Bridging the gap between theory and applied social gerontology. Gerontologist 50, 284-293. Abstract retrieved from Abstracts in Social Gerontology database. (Accession No. 50360869)


    Marshall, S. P. (2000). Method and apparatus for eye tracking and monitoring pupil dilation to evaluate cognitive activity. U.S. Patent No 6,090,051. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


    Perdiguero P, Venturas M, Cervera MT, Gil L, Collada C. Data from: Massive sequencing of Ulms minor's transcriptome provides new molecular tools for a genus under the constant threat of Dutch elm disease. Dryad Digital Repository. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.ps837

    Theses and Dissertations:

    Smith, J. (2008) Post-structuralist discourse relative to phenomological pursuits in the deconstructivist arena. [dissertation/master’s thesis]. [Chicago (IL)]: University of Chicago


    Smith, J. (2008). Title of the document. Preprint repository name [Preprint]. Available at: https://persistent-url [Accessed March 15, 2018].


    World Health Organization. (2018). E. coli. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/e-coli [Accessed March 15, 2018].

    For examples of citing other documents and general questions regarding reference style, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style.

    Frontiers Science Endnote Style

    Frontiers Science, Engineering and Humanities Bibstyle

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    Reference list: provide the names of the first six authors followed by et al. and doi when available.

    In-text citations: these should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text – identified by Arabic numerals in the parenthesis for Health articles, and in square brackets for Physics and Mathematics articles.

    Reference examples

    Article in a print journal:

    Sondheimer N, Lindquist S. Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol Cell (2000) 5:163-72.

    Article in an online journal:

    Tahimic CGT, Wang Y, Bikle DD. Anabolic effects of IGF-1 signaling on the skeleton. Front Endocrinol (2013) 4:6. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00006

    Article or chapter in a book:

    Sorenson PW, Caprio JC. "Chemoreception,". In: Evans DH, editor. The Physiology of Fishes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (1998). p. 375-405.


    Cowan WM, Jessell TM, Zipursky SL. Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. New York: Oxford University Press (1997). 345 p.


    Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, editor. Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3–5; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer (2002). p. 182–91.


    Pagedas AC, inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible Endoscopic Grasping and Cutting Device and Positioning Tool Assembly. United States patent US 20020103498 (2002).


    Perdiguero P, Venturas M, Cervera MT, Gil L, Collada C. Data from: Massive sequencing of Ulms minor's transcriptome provides new molecular tools for a genus under the constant threat of Dutch elm disease. Dryad Digital Repository. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.ps837

    Theses and Dissertations:

    Smith, J. (2008) Post-structuralist discourse relative to phenomological pursuits in the deconstructivist arena. [dissertation/master’s thesis]. [Chicago (IL)]: University of Chicago


    ​​Smith, J. Title of the document. Preprint repository name [Preprint] (2008). Available at: https://persistent-url [Accessed March 15, 2018].


    World Health Organization. E. coli (2018). https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/e-coli [Accessed March 15, 2018].

    For examples of citing other documents and general questions regarding reference style, please refer to Citing Medicine.

    Frontiers Health Endnote Style

    Frontiers Health and Physics Bibstyle

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