AUTHOR=Huang Yungui , Thomas Alun , Vieland Veronica J. TITLE=Employing MCMC under the PPL framework to analyze sequence data in large pedigrees JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=4 YEAR=2013 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2013.00059 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=

The increased feasibility of whole-genome (or whole-exome) sequencing has led to renewed interest in using family data to find disease mutations. For clinical phenotypes that lend themselves to study in large families, this approach can be particularly effective, because it may be possible to obtain strong evidence of a causal mutation segregating in a single pedigree even under conditions of extreme locus and/or allelic heterogeneity at the population level. In this paper, we extend our capacity to carry out positional mapping in large pedigrees, using a combination of linkage analysis and within-pedigree linkage trait-variant disequilibrium analysis to fine map down to the level of individual sequence variants. To do this, we develop a novel hybrid approach to the linkage portion, combining the non-stochastic approach to integration over the trait model implemented in the software package Kelvin, with Markov chain Monte Carlo-based approximation of the marker likelihood using blocked Gibbs sampling as implemented in the McSample program in the JPSGCS package. We illustrate both the positional mapping template, as well as the efficacy of the hybrid algorithm, in application to a single large pedigree with phenotypes simulated under a two-locus trait model.