AUTHOR=Ghadermarzi Sina , Li Xingyi , Li Min , Kurgan Lukasz TITLE=Sequence-Derived Markers of Drug Targets and Potentially Druggable Human Proteins JOURNAL=Frontiers in Genetics VOLUME=10 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fgene.2019.01075 ISSN=1664-8021 ABSTRACT=

Recent research shows that majority of the druggable human proteome is yet to be annotated and explored. Accurate identification of these unexplored druggable proteins would facilitate development, screening, repurposing, and repositioning of drugs, as well as prediction of new drug–protein interactions. We contrast the current drug targets against the datasets of non-druggable and possibly druggable proteins to formulate markers that could be used to identify druggable proteins. We focus on the markers that can be extracted from protein sequences or names/identifiers to ensure that they can be applied across the entire human proteome. These markers quantify key features covered in the past works (topological features of PPIs, cellular functions, and subcellular locations) and several novel factors (intrinsic disorder, residue-level conservation, alternative splicing isoforms, domains, and sequence-derived solvent accessibility). We find that the possibly druggable proteins have significantly higher abundance of alternative splicing isoforms, relatively large number of domains, higher degree of centrality in the protein-protein interaction networks, and lower numbers of conserved and surface residues, when compared with the non-druggable proteins. We show that the current drug targets and possibly druggable proteins share involvement in the catalytic and signaling functions. However, unlike the drug targets, the possibly druggable proteins participate in the metabolic and biosynthesis processes, are enriched in the intrinsic disorder, interact with proteins and nucleic acids, and are localized across the cell. To sum up, we formulate several markers that can help with finding novel druggable human proteins and provide interesting insights into the cellular functions and subcellular locations of the current drug targets and potentially druggable proteins.