AUTHOR=Massara Matteo , Persico Pasquale , Bonavita Ornella , Mollica Poeta Valeria , Locati Massimo , Simonelli Matteo , Bonecchi Raffaella TITLE=Neutrophils in Gliomas JOURNAL=Frontiers in Immunology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fimmu.2017.01349 ISSN=1664-3224 ABSTRACT=

Neutrophils are the most abundant white blood cells and are the first recruited to inflammatory sites. Neutrophils are an important component of the tumor stroma and can exert both anti-tumoral and pro-tumoral activities, depending on their maturation and activation state. In human gliomas, the number of circulating and infiltrating neutrophils correlates with the severity of the disease, indicating a prognostic and possible pro-tumoral role for these leukocytes. In glioma preclinical models, neutrophils promote tumor growth and orchestrate the resistance to anti-angiogenic therapies. Nevertheless, recent data indicate that neutrophils can be activated to directly kill tumor cells or to orchestrate the anti-tumoral response. Here, we review current knowledge about the role of neutrophils in glioma and their possible involvement in new strategies to improve current cancer therapies.