AUTHOR=Casey John R. , Ferrón Sara , Karl David M. TITLE=Light-Enhanced Microbial Organic Carbon Yield JOURNAL=Frontiers in Microbiology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2017.02157 ISSN=1664-302X ABSTRACT=

Molecular evidence for proteorhodopsin- and bacteriochlorophyll-based photoheterotrophy is widespread in oligotrophic marine microbial community metagenomes, and has been implicated in light-enhanced growth rates, substrate uptake rates, and anapleurotic carbon fixation, thus complicating the web of interactions within the ‘microbial loop.’ We quantified photoheterotrophic metabolism of the oxidized organic acid glycolate, a fast-turnover and exclusively phytoplankton-derived substrate at an oligotrophic site in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. As expected, concentration-dependent changes in uptake rates were observed over the diel cycle, with maxima occurring at midday. Although no light-enhanced substrate uptake rates were observed, samples exposed to light altered the balance between assimilation and respiration, resulting in an approximately four-fold increase in glycolate-specific assimilation efficiency. Energy demand for such a metabolic adjustment was linearly related to light, consistent with photoheterotrophy.