AUTHOR=Zrenner Christoph , Eytan Danny , Wallach Avner , Thier Peter , Marom Shimon TITLE=A generic framework for real-time multi-channel neuronal signal analysis, telemetry control and sub-millisecond latency feedback generation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroscience VOLUME=4 YEAR=2010 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnins.2010.00173 ISSN=1662-453X ABSTRACT=

Distinct modules of the neural circuitry interact with each other and (through the motor-sensory loop) with the environment, forming a complex dynamic system. Neuro-prosthetic devices seeking to modulate or restore CNS function need to interact with the information flow at the level of neural modules electrically, bi-directionally and in real-time. A set of freely available generic tools is presented that allow computationally demanding multi-channel short-latency bi-directional interactions to be realized in in vivo and in vitro preparations using standard PC data acquisition and processing hardware and software (Mathworks Matlab and Simulink). A commercially available 60-channel extracellular multi-electrode recording and stimulation set-up connected to an ex vivo developing cortical neuronal culture is used as a model system to validate the method. We demonstrate how complex high-bandwidth (>10 MBit/s) neural recording data can be analyzed in real-time while simultaneously generating specific complex electrical stimulation feedback with deterministically timed responses at sub-millisecond resolution.