AUTHOR=Maier Joost X., Groh Jennifer M. TITLE=Comparison of Gain-Like Properties of Eye Position Signals in Inferior Colliculus Versus Auditory Cortex of Primates JOURNAL=Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience VOLUME=4 YEAR=2010 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnint.2010.00121 ISSN=1662-5145 ABSTRACT=

We evaluated to what extent the influence of eye position in the auditory pathway of primates can be described as a gain field. We compared single unit activity in the inferior colliculus (IC), core auditory cortex (A1) and the caudomedial belt (CM) region of auditory cortex (AC) in primates, and found stronger evidence for gain field-like interactions in the IC than in AC. In the IC, eye position signals showed both multiplicative and additive interactions with auditory responses, whereas in AC the effects were not as well predicted by a gain field model.