AUTHOR=Makra Péter , Menyhárt Ákos , Bari Ferenc , Farkas Eszter TITLE=Spectral and Multifractal Signature of Cortical Spreading Depolarisation in Aged Rats JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=9 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2018.01512 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=

Cortical spreading depolarisation (CSD) is a transient disruption of ion balance that propagates along the cortex. It has been identified as an important factor in the progression of cerebral damage associated with stroke or traumatic brain injury. We analysed local field potential signals during CSD in old and young rats to look for age-related differences. We compared CSDs elicited under physiological conditions (baseline), during ischaemia and during reperfusion. We applied short-time Fourier transform and a windowed implementation of multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis to follow the electrophysiological signature of CSD. Both in the time-dependent spectral profiles and in the multifractal spectrum width, CSDs appeared as transient dips, which we described on the basis of their duration, depression and recovery slope and degree of drop and rise. The most significant age-related difference we found was in the depression slope, which was significantly more negative in the beta band and less negative in the delta band of old animals. In several parameters, we observed an attenuation-regeneration pattern in reaction to ischaemia and reperfusion, which was absent in the old age group. The age-related deviation from the pattern took two forms: the rise parameter did not show any attenuation in ischaemic conditions for old animals, whilst the depression slope in most frequency bands remained attenuated during reperfusion and did not regenerate in this age group. Though the multifractal spectrum width proved to be a reliable indicator of events like CSDs or ischaemia onset, we failed to find any case where it would add extra detail to the information provided by the Fourier description.