AUTHOR=Lodato Michael A. , Ziegenfuss Jennifer S. TITLE=The two faces of DNA oxidation in genomic and functional mosaicism during aging in human neurons JOURNAL=Frontiers in Aging VOLUME=3 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fragi.2022.991460 ISSN=2673-6217 ABSTRACT=

Maintaining genomic integrity in post-mitotic neurons in the human brain is paramount because these cells must survive for an individual’s entire lifespan. Due to life-long synaptic plasticity and electrochemical transmission between cells, the brain engages in an exceptionally high level of mitochondrial metabolic activity. This activity results in the generation of reactive oxygen species with 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) being one of the most prevalent oxidation products in the cell. 8-oxoG is important for the maintenance and transfer of genetic information into proper gene expression: a low basal level of 8-oxoG plays an important role in epigenetic modulation of neurodevelopment and synaptic plasticity, while a dysregulated increase in 8-oxoG damages the genome leading to somatic mutations and transcription errors. The slow yet persistent accumulation of DNA damage in the background of increasing cellular 8-oxoG is associated with normal aging as well as neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. This review explores the current understanding of how 8-oxoG plays a role in brain function and genomic instability, highlighting new methods being used to advance pathological hallmarks that differentiate normal healthy aging and neurodegenerative disease.