

14th International Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies (TAT 2016)

Edited by: Giuseppe Giaccone, S. Gail Eckhardt, Lee M. Ellis, Marinus Lobbezoo, Cristiana Sessa, Jean-Charles Soria, Josep Tabernero, Louis M. Weiner

Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

ISBN: 978-2-88919-879-5

Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book

Targeted therapies, which include a range of monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule inhibitors, have significantly changed the treatment of cancer over the past two decades. Basic and translational research continues to identify new anticancer drug targets and experimental therapeutics directed against such targets. In recent years, immunological targets (CTLA4, PD1 and PD-L1) involving immune checkpoints and their inhibitors have raised broad interest as promising immunotherapies with demonstrated sustained anti-tumor responses in several tumor types. In addition to monoclonal antibodies targeting immune checkpoints, cellular therapies on the basis of T cell transfer are emerging as effective immunological therapies. Due to the importance that signal transduction, cell cycle and cell metabolism regulatory proteins play in tumorigenesis, continuing discoveries also incorporate a broad spectrum of signal transduction, cell cycle and metabolism inhibitors under development that hold promise as effective cancer treatments. The first inhibitor of DNA repair, a PARP inhibitor, has recently reached clinical practice and a new wave of DNA repair modifying agents is under development for cancer therapy. Elimination of cancer stem cells promises intriguing therapeutic potential and has been adopted in preclinical drug discovery programs. The emergence of promising cancer therapies affecting different and often novel targets justifies the necessity of an annual overview of targeted and immunological drug development and novel techniques and preclinical models for testing of new drugs. Review of the translational research and clinical trial data in early clinical phases, will help investigators and clinical oncologists to prepare for the transition of these molecules into later phase trials and begin to define their clinical application in daily practice. The collaborative interaction of (medical) oncologists, hematologists, molecular pathologists, basic scientists, industry drug development and regulatory agency professionals at the annual TAT Congress fosters productive and synergistic interaction. Early results of ongoing studies are presented at the conference to ensure cutting edge information on potential new anticancer therapies.

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