Displaying 1 - 10 out of 54 Books


Radiation Belt Dynamics: Theory, Observation and Modeling

Qianli Ma, Xinliang Gao, Dedong Wang
Frontiers Media SA

The radiation belts of the Earth and other magnetized planets are populated by relativistic particles which are highly dynamic due to various source and loss processes. Although the Earth's intrinsic...


Reviews in astronomy and space sciences

Christopher H. K. Chen, Alberto Fairén, Jonathan Eastwood, Olga V. Khabarova, Georgios Balasis, Rudolf A. Treumann, Philip J. Erickson, Nuno C. Santos, Steve B. Howell, Matthew Parry, Daniel Hestroffer, Yanxia Zhang, Majdi Hochlaf, Ankan Das, Ryan C. Fortenberry, David Leisawitz, Lucia Kleint, Mauro D’Onofrio, Milan S. Dimitrijevic, Joseph M. Trigo-Rodiguez, Carrie Anderson, Zhonghua Yao, Chunshan Lin, Nadja S. Magalhaes, Guillem Domenech

Frontiers Media SA


New Advances in Lunar and Related Planetary Studies

Bojing Zhu, Caibo Hu, Changyi Xu, Yaolin Shi, Guangfei Wei, Jinhai Zhang, Juan Li, An Yin, Tieyuan Zhu

Frontiers Media SA

Many facets of studies in planetary science are dependent on analyzing large volumes of in-situ and...


Presentations at the 2022 MELiSSA Conference – Current and Future Ways to Closed Life Support Systems

Cyprien Verseux, Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera, Luigi Gennaro Izzo

Frontiers Media SA

Given the per-mass costs and technological challenges associated with hardware sent to space,...


Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere System

Jaroslav Chum, Petra Koucka Knizova, Veronika Barta, Christina Arras, Dimitry Pokhotelov, Erich Becker, Christoph Jacobi, Han-Li Liu, Huixin Liu, Gunter Stober

Frontiers Media SA

The Earth's ionosphere is a complex dynamic interface between the outer plasma space and the...


Reviews in Chemistry

Omotayo Ademola Arotiba, Xiao Xiao, Mohammad Mansoob Khan, Jun Chen, Kang Xiao, Tingchao He

Frontiers Media SA

We are delighted to present the second edition of the “Reviews in Chemistry*” article collection....


Flare Observations in the IRIS Era: What Have We Learned, and What’s Next?

Vanessa Polito, Bart De Pontieu, Adam Kowalski, Viggo Hansteen

Frontiers Media SA

Since its launch in 2013, IRIS has observed more than 10 X-class, over 100 M-class and more than...


Driving Towards a More Diverse Space Physics Research Community – Perspectives, Initiatives, Strategies, and Actions

Michael W. Liemohn, McArthur Jones, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, John Coxon, Alexa Jean Halford, Chigomezyo Ngwira

Frontiers Media SA


Quasilinear and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Magnetospheric Plasmas

Oliver Allanson, Xiao-Jia Zhang, Yoshiharu Omura

Frontiers Media SA


Generalized uncertainty relations: Existing paradigms and new approaches

Shi-Dong Liang, Matthew J. Lake, Tiberiu Harko

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 54 Books


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