

CPC and Various Case Reports in Neurology

Edited by: Jose Biller

Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

ISBN: 978-2-88919-204-5

Product Name: Frontiers Theme Book

My experience in teaching Neurology residents, fellows and other colleagues who are particularly interested in the clinical neurosciences is they are too seldom exposed to the critical integration of clinical data with the breadth and depth of neuropathology. For this reason we developed these clinico-pathologic exercises for Frontiers in Neurology Education, particularly aimed at neurologists in training and other colleagues involved in the care of these patients. We hope that by providing practical, straightforward, readily accessible, and user friendly clinico-neuropathological material the educational needs of our readers will be met. We also hope to "recruit" newcomers to this ever exciting and intellectually challenging discipline of the clinical neurosciences.

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