Displaying 1 - 10 out of 27 Books


Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Global Health and Disaster Response: Challenges and Opportunities

Tetyana Chumachenko, Plinio Pelegrini Morita, Dmytro Chumachenko, Saman Ghaffarian
Frontiers Media SA

Artificial intelligence (AI) has shown promise as an effective tool in disaster preparedness and response, providing a unique perspective on some of the most urgent health challenges. Rapid advances...


Extracting Insights from Digital Public Health Data using Artificial Intelligence, Volume II

Steven Fernandes, Hong Lin, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Shyamala Guruvare, Yu-Dong Zhang, Prianna Menezes

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is a follow on from the Topic Editors' successful


Living labs and open innovation approaches to scale impact for human wellbeing

Ann Borda, Sonja Pedell, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Francesca Spagnoli, Dimitri Schuurman

Frontiers Media SA


Digital Innovation and Global Public Health: Pathways for Sustainable Entry of Digital Innovations into LMIC Health Systems

Pratap Kumar, Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos, Pritesh Mistry, Noami Saville

Frontiers Media SA

Digital technologies have rapidly changed how we bank, borrow and lend, commute, or order food. The...



Community series in mental illness, culture, and society: Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, volume VII

Mohammadreza Shalbafan, Samer El Hayek, Renato de Filippis

Frontiers Media SA


mHealth tools for patient empowerment and chronic disease management

Pedro Sousa, Ricardo Martinho, Pedro Miguel Parreira, Gang Luo

Frontiers Media SA


Big data analytics for smart healthcare applications

Celestine Iwendi, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Ali Kashif Bashir

Frontiers Media SA



Machine Learning in Disease Screening, Diagnosis, and Surveillance

Yi-Ju Tseng, Yu-Hsiu Lin

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 27 Books


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