Displaying 1 - 10 out of 72 Books


Environmental Risk and Corporate Behaviour

Rui Xue, Haiyue Liu, Ruidong Chang, Di Bu, Shiyang Hu
Frontiers Media SA

The accelerating global climate change risk highlights the importance of a quick transition towards a “cleaner” world. Although steady progress has already been made globally, substantial improvement...


Energy, Economy, and Climate Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities, volume II

Chuanbao Wu, Lirong Liu, Xander Wang

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is Volume II of a series. The previous volume can be found here:


Enabling People-Centered Risk Communication for Geohazards

Alessandro Amato, Sally H. Potter, Anna Scolobig, Eric M. Thompson

Frontiers Media SA

In the field of natural hazards, communicating science with the public and stakeholders involves...


Climate Science, Solutions and Services for Net Zero, Climate-Resilient Food Systems

Pete Falloon, Aled Jones, Siemen Van Berkum, Stefan Kepinski, Mike Rivington

Frontiers Media SA

Food systems are both a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and are strongly...


Climate-environment interactions under global warming

Hainan Gong, Shengping He, Zhiyuan Hu, Haipeng Yu

Frontiers Media SA


Water-Related Natural Disasters in Mountainous Area, volume II

Jia-wen Zhou, Jie Dou, Xiekang Wang, Xudong Fu, Qihua Ran, Biswajeet Pradhan

Frontiers Media SA

In mountainous areas, due to the unique geological and topographical conditions, and along with the...


Food-Energy-Water Systems: Achieving Climate Resilience and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

Charles Vörösmarty, Richard Lawford, Pietro Elia Campana, Donald Wuebbles, Graham Jewitt

Frontiers Media SA

The highly interwoven nature of food-energy-water systems (FEWS), climate change, and extreme...


Impact of Solar Activities on Weather and Climate

Ziniu Xiao, Limin Zhou, Liang Zhao, Irina Alexandrovna Mironova, Peili Wu, Hiroko Miyahara, Wenjuan Huo

Frontiers Media SA

Evidence from observations and paleoclimate records suggest that solar outputs, including solar...


Energy, Economy, and Climate Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities

Chuanbao Wu, Lirong Liu, Xander Wang

Frontiers Media SA


Climatic and Associated Cryospheric and Hydrospheric Changes on the Third Pole, volume II

Lei Wang, Xiuping Li, Chunqiao Song, Tobias Conradt, Mohamed Rasmy

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 72 Books


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