Displaying 1 - 10 out of 248 Books


Personalized Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease

Lara Caldiroli, Alice Sabatino, Andreana De Mauri
Frontiers Media, SA

Nutritional status is a crucial prognostic factor in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. The nutritional approach depends on the stage of renal disease, patients’ comorbidities, proteins...


Nutritional Therapy along the Continuum of Care

Barbara Troesch, Matthias Pirlich

Frontiers Media SA

At the 2022 ESPEN conference, the International Declaration on the Human Right to Nutritional Care...


Human Milk Feeding as a Complex System

Daniel W. Sellen, Sonia Hernández-Cordero

Frontiers Media SA

The exploding science of human milk, lactation, breastfeeding and human milk feeding has brought us...


Nutrition and Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education

Sarah Burkhart, Elezebeth Mathews, Clinton Beckford, Alemneh Kabeta Daba, Abul Hasnat Milton, Masresha Tessema

Frontiers Media SA

Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the...


Nutrition and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

Miroslava Rossenova Atanassova, Leila Ktari, Sutee Wangtueai, Monia El Bour EL Bour, Saloua Sadok

Frontiers Media SA

Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the...


Human populations that have recently undergone substantial changes in their traditional social,...


Healthier foods have received unprecedented attention in the last couple of years. Different units...


Immunometabolism: Bridging the Gap Between Immunology and Nutrition

Paulo José Basso, Francisca Palomares, Soledad López-Enríquez, Sue Tsai, Thierry Mp Gauthier

Frontiers Media SA

It is common ground that all cells require nutrients to develop, differentiate, and maintain their...


Nutrition and Quality of Life in the Elderly

Daniela Caetano Gonçalves, Gabriela Salim de Castro

Frontiers Media SA

The WHO estimates that by 2050, 30% of the world's population will be elderly. The increased life...


Nutrition and Flavor During Food Processing: Change Patterns and Mechanisms

Peng Wang, Yu-Chung Chang, Dandan Pu

Frontiers Media SA

Food consumption is leaning toward products that provide both nutritional value and good flavor. In...


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