Displaying 1 - 10 out of 799 Books


Molecular Markers and Targeted Therapy for Hepatobiliary Tumors

Yunfei Xu, Zongli Zhang, Hongda Liu, Xuesong Gu
Frontiers Media, SA

Hepatobiliary tumor, mainly including hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer, is a group of highly aggressive malignancies. Hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma...


Video-Assisted Surgery in Oncology

Jianrong Zhang, Jinbo Chen, Long Jiang, Zhiming Ma, He Liu

Frontiers Media SA

Cancer is a leading cause of death and main contributor for disease burden globally. To treat the...


Multimodal Treatment of Recurrence and Distant Metastases of Colorectal Cancer

Andrea Balla, Diego Coletta, Salomone Di Saverio, Salvador Morales-Conde, Pierpaolo Sileri, Diletta Corallino

Frontiers Media SA

According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the...


Epigenetic and Metabolic Regulators of Breast Carcinogenesis

Iman Mamdouh Talaat, Maha Mohamed Saber-Ayad, Hauke Busch, Noha Mousaad Elemam

Frontiers Media SA

Breast cancer is the most common tumor in females worldwide. Cancer epigenetics and metabolic...


Tumor microenvironment (TME) is a bidirectional, dynamic and intricate network of interactions...


Liver Cancer Awareness Month 2023: Current Progress and Future Prospects on Advances in Primary Liver Cancer Investigation and Treatment

Francisco Tustumi, Fabricio Ferreira Coelho, Wellington Andraus, Marina Alessandra Pereira, Rodrigo Xavier Das Neves

Frontiers Media SA

October is the Liver Cancer Awareness Month and at Frontiers in Oncology we want to highlight the...


Evolutionary Biology of Tumor Initiation and Progression

Yusuke Suenaga, Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Mamoru Kato

Frontiers Media SA

Cancer is characterized by heterogeneous cells with capacity for self renewal, and selective...


Case Reports in Thoracic Oncology: 2022

Caroline Hayhurst, Kohei Fujita, Yaron Perry

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic aims to collect all the Case Reports submitted to the Thoracic Oncology...


Advances in Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer

Giuseppe Carlo Iorio, Nerina Denaro, Isacco Desideri, Umberto Ricardi, Valerio Nardone, Lorenzo Livi

Frontiers Media SA

Modern Radiotherapy (RT) plays a key role in the management of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). More...


Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence in Lung Cancer

Valerio Gristina, Chukwuka Eze

Frontiers Media SA

Lung cancer is still one of the most common malignancies with a high global mortality rate with...


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