Displaying 1 - 10 out of 574 Books


3rd International Meeting of the Portuguese Physiological Society

Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia (SPF) - Portuguese Physiological Society
Frontiers Media SA

As a cornerstone of the life sciences, Physiology bridges various disciplines, underpinning education and practice in areas such as human and animal health, physical activity and sports, biology and...


Strategies to Overcome Metabolic Syndrome and Related Diseases

Lin Zhu, Curtis C. Hughey, Bakovic Marica, William J. Massey

Frontiers Media SA

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, high blood...


Avian Senses, Immunology, and Welfare

Rami A. Dalloul, Ryan Arsenault, Nico Nazar, Maria Emilia Fernandez, Eugeni Roura, Eve Schneider, Shahram Niknafs

Frontiers Media SA

Understanding the complex interactions between avian physiology, senses, and immune responses is...


Insights in Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology: 2023

Carolyn Mary Ecelbarger, Youfei Guan, Xiaoyan Zhang

Frontiers Media SA

Given the success of


Mechanotransduction in Vascular Development and Disease

Julia J. Mack, Brian Gene Coon, Nicolas Baeyens

Frontiers Media SA

There is growing interest in understanding the dynamic roles of physical forces in vascular...


Neuromusculoskeletal biomechanics has been a popular topic in understanding the disorders of the...


Good posture and strong core muscles are essential for most athletic movements, but also for...


Strength and Conditioning in Football: Driving Physical Performance through Research and Innovation

Marco Beato, Chris J. Bishop, Anthony Nicholas Turner

Frontiers Media SA

Modern sport depends on research and the advancement of science in order to achieve increments in...


Advances and Insights in Peritoneal Dialysis: A Physiological Perspective

Guoshuang Xu, Ying-Yong Zhao, Lijie He, Bengt Lindholm

Frontiers Media SA

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been widely used in renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage...


New Basic and Translational Perspectives on Skin Repair

Yiming Zhang, Tao Zan, Min Zhao, Chengliang Deng, Cheng Peng

Frontiers Media SA

Skin, the largest organ of the human body, makes up the main barrier to prevent the invasion of...


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