Displaying 1 - 10 out of 27 Books


Mineral Nutrition and Plant Stress Tolerance

Md Sazzad Hossain, Pedro Garcia, Karl H. Mühling
Frontiers Media SA

Plants can accumulate essential mineral elements that are used in synthesizing a variety of important organic compounds and play crucial roles in metabolic pathways. Mineral elements are mainly...


Integrated nutrients management: An approach for sustainable crop production and food security in changing climates

Amanullah, Gabrijel Ondrasek, Abdel Rahman Mohmmad Said Al -Tawaha

Frontiers Media SA

Soil health and fertility are continuously declining due to the removal of essential plant...


Biostimulants in Agriculture II: Towards a Sustainable Future

Maurizio Ruzzi, Giuseppe Colla, Youssef Rouphael

Frontiers Media SA

Modern agriculture needs to review and broaden its practices and business models, by integrating...


Efficient Nitrogen Fertilizer Management to Improve Crop Production

Li Wang, Ying Zhao, Jianwei Lu

Frontiers Media SA

The improvement in global crop production over the past several decades has been associated with...


Advances in Plant-Soil Nitrogen Management Strategies

Sumera Anwar, Shahbaz Khan, Fahad Shafiq

Frontiers Media SA

Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers and inefficient crop N utilization results in serious...


Women in Plant Nutrition: 2022

Petra Bauer, Bahar Yildiz Kutman, Stefania Astolfi, Chiou Tzyy-Jen

Frontiers Media SA


Selenium in soil-plant-animal systems and its essential role for human health

Gary Bañuelos, Zhi-Qing Lin, Joel Caton

Frontiers Media SA


Essential metals for plants: Uptake, transport, regulation of homeostasis and roles in plant development

Anja Schneider, Olena Vatamaniuk, Sidsel Birkelund Schmidt

Frontiers Media SA



Bio-based Solutions for Sustainable Development of Agriculture

Eduardo V. Soares, Spyridon Alexandros Petropoulos, Helena M. V. M. Soares

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 27 Books

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Plant Nutrition


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