Displaying 1 - 10 out of 54 Books


Myc as a Disease Target Beyond Cancer

Jonathan R. Whitfield, Mariano F. Zacarias-Fluck, John Sedivy, Yulia A. Nevzorova, Jastrinjan Kaur
Frontiers Media SA

Myc is a pleiotropic transcription factor fundamental for many cellular processes. It is an infamous and highly-studied oncogene, with around 10,000 articles published in the last decade. The...


Network-based Mathematical Modeling in Cell and Developmental Biology

Susan Mertins, Michael Blinov

Frontiers Media SA

The vast amount of knowledge in Cell Signaling gathered through reductionist efforts and omics...


Protein-RNA Interplay-Regulated Signaling in Stem Cells and Cancer

Liang Zhou, William K. K. Wu, Xiaoxing Li, Yanquan Zhang, tXichen Bao

Frontiers Media SA


Modulation of T-cell function and survival by the tumor microenvironment

Shahrzad Jalali, Kristian Michael Hargadon, Courtney Lappas

Frontiers Media SA


Novel regulatory mechanisms behind thermogenesis of brown and beige adipocytes

Rubén Cereijo, Endre Károly Kristóf

Frontiers Media SA


Molecular mechanisms in ocular development and disease

Rajalekshmy Shyam, Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez, Deepika Vasudevan, Daisy Y. Shu

Frontiers Media SA


Protein Homeostasis in Growth, Development and Disease

Francesco Fazi, Silvia Masciarelli, Linda M. Hendershot

Frontiers Media SA


The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or...


Neuroinflammation in Acquired Epilepsy

Jianxiong Jiang, Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar, Xinjian Zhu

Frontiers Media SA


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