Displaying 1 - 10 out of 36 Books


Neuromodulation Using Spatiotemporally Complex Patterns

Hemant Bokil, Peter A. Tass
Frontiers Media SA

Recent studies have highlighted that stimulation of the nervous system with spatiotemporal patterns may engage the nervous system in fundamentally different ways than can be achieved with...


Navigating the Landscape of FAIR Data Sharing and Reuse: Repositories, Standards, and Resources

Maaike M. H. Van Swieten, Christian Haselgrove

Frontiers Media SA

The huge volume of neuroscience data and the wide variety of data formats generated across...


Physical neuromorphic computing and its industrial applications

Toshiyuki Yamane, Akira Hirose, Bert Offrein

Frontiers Media SA


Artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnosis applications for brain disorders from medical imaging data, volume II

Ahmed Shalaby, Fahmi Khalifa, Ahmed Soliman, Ahmed Refaey Hussein, Mohamed Abdelazim, Safa Elaskary

Frontiers Media SA


From the ear to the brain – new data analytics techniques for a better understanding of human hearing

Alessia Paglialonga, Jan Wouters, Norbert Dillier

Frontiers Media SA


Neuroscience, computing, performance, and benchmarks: Why it matters to neuroscience how fast we can compute

Felix Schürmann, Omar Awile, James Courtney Knight, Thomas Nowotny, James B. Aimone, Markus Diesmann

Frontiers Media SA


Machine learning methods for human brain imaging

Fatos Tunay Yarman Vural, Sharlene D. Newman, Tolga Cukur, Itir Onal Ertugrul

Frontiers Media SA



Frontiers in neuroinformatics editor’s pick 2021

Jan G. Bjaalie, Sean L. Hill

Frontiers Media SA


Data science and digital service delivery in healthcare

Koichi Fujiwara, Tetsuharu Nagamoto, Priit Kruus

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 36 Books

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