AUTHOR=Maniglia Marcello , Thurman Steven M. , Seitz Aaron R. , Davey Pinakin G. TITLE=Effect of Varying Levels of Glare on Contrast Sensitivity Measurements of Young Healthy Individuals Under Photopic and Mesopic Vision JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=9 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00899 ISSN=1664-1078 ABSTRACT=

Contrast sensitivity (CS), the ability to detect small spatial changes of luminance, is a fundamental aspect of vision. However, while visual acuity is commonly measured in eye clinics, CS is often not assessed. At issue is that tests of CS are not highly standardized in the field and that, in many cases, optotypes used are not sensitive enough to measure graduations of performance and visual abilities within the normal range. Here, in order to develop more sensitive measures of CS, we examined how CS is affected by different combinations of glare and ambient lighting in young healthy participants. We found that low levels of glare have a relatively small impact on vision under both photopic and mesopic conditions, while higher levels had significantly greater consequences on CS under mesopic conditions. Importantly, we found that the amount of glare induced by a standard built-in system (69 lux) was insufficient to induce CS reduction, but increasing to 125 lux with a custom system did cause a significant reduction and shift of CS in healthy individuals. This research provides important data that can help guide the use of CS measures that yield more sensitivity to characterize visual processing abilities in a variety of populations with ecological validity for non-ideal viewing conditions such as night time driving.