AUTHOR=Mullane Sarah L. , Connolly Douglas , Buman Matthew P. TITLE=The Perceived Value of Reducing Sedentary Behavior in the Truck Driving Population JOURNAL=Frontiers in Public Health VOLUME=7 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2019.00214 ISSN=2296-2565 ABSTRACT=

Purpose: To conduct rapid qualitative analysis early in the intervention design process to establish the perceived value of reducing sedentary behavior in the truck driver population.

Methods: A rapid assessment process for qualitative data collection was used to examine managerial and employee perceptions quickly and iteratively to inform intervention design. Managerial insights were collected during semi-structured interviews and employee insights were collected via an online survey and focus group. Thematic analyses were guided by the constructs of the Health Belief Model to establish; (a) perceived susceptibility to the health problem; (b) perceived severity of the health problem; (c) perceived benefits of the potential solutions; (d) perceived barriers to adopting the recommended solution; (e) cues to action; and (f) self-efficacy.

Results: Three managers (2 females; 1 male) participated in semi-structured interviews. Seven truck drivers (1 female; 6 males) took part in a focus group. Sixteen survey responses (all male, mean age 49.8 ± 12.4 years, 86% white Caucasian) were collected in total (11 paper based; 6 online). The most important managerial motivators for engagement in an intervention included; improved sleep, alertness and quality of life. The most important employee motivators included; stress reduction (3.3 ± 1.3), improved quality of life (3.3 ± 1.3) and alertness (3.2 ± 1.4). Managerial and employee perspectives indicated that sedentary behavior may be of lower priority than diet and exercise, and may not resonate with the truck driving population as a health risk.

Conclusion: Application of the Health Belief Model indicated a disconnect between the researcher, managerial and employee perspective and the perceived value of a sedentary behavior reduction intervention. Within the truck driving population, researchers should endeavor to include safety as well as health outcomes, use multi-level strategies, design for outcomes of high perceived value and leverage health communication strategies to communicate benefits that resonate with the end-user.