AUTHOR=Yuan Wei , Jiang Min , Gong Shuying TITLE=How to Improve the Cognitive Health of Middle-Aged and Elderly People: Evidence From China Family Panel Studies JOURNAL=Frontiers in Public Health VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.799255 ISSN=2296-2565 ABSTRACT=

In the context of the rapid development of the internet and the increasing severity of the aging problem, and in order to promote aged health and help construct a healthy society. We use micro survey data from the 2016 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) to investigate the impact of the internet on the cognitive health of middle-aged and elderly people (those aged 40 and above). The robust results suggest that the internet plays a significant positive role in the cognitive health of middle-aged and elderly people in terms of internet use and internet involvement. This effect does not change significantly with differences in gender, household registration, location, or household composition, but there are heterogeneity effects due to differences in education. Further analysis indicates that the satisfaction of emotional attachment with children is the internal mechanism of the internet's influence on the cognitive health of people in this age group. Our paper both help scholars and the public to better understand the impact of the internet on the cognitive health of middle-aged and elderly people and clarifies different methods of defining the internet.