Frontiers Article Alert

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Frontiers has won the ALPSP Award for Innovation in Publishing in recognition of its innovative Open-Science platform that provides open-access academic publishing and research networking for scientists. The prestigious award acknowledges the best innovators in the scholarly publishing industry and Frontiers received the top Gold prize at an awards ceremony in London, UK.

Frontiers is pleased to announce a number of exciting new articles in the field of Oncology.


Frontiers in Oncology, section “Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention”

Evidence of Differential Effects of Vitamin D Receptor Variants on Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk by Predicted Vitamin D Status
Jennifer Prescott, Kimberly A. Bertrand, Brett M. Reid, Jennifer Permuth-Wey, Immaculata De Vivo, Daniel W. Cramer, Kathryn L. Terry, and Shelley S. Tworoger

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Cancer Genetics”

The PTEN/PI3K/AKT Pathway in vivo, Cancer Mouse Models
Amancio Carnero and Jesus M Paramio

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Cancer Imaging and Diagnosis”

Determination of Radiation Absorbed Dose to Primary Liver Tumors and Normal Liver Tissue Using Post-Radioembolization 90Y PET
Shyam Mohan Srinivas, Navin Natarajan, Joshua Kuroiwa, Bana Bazerbashi, Frank P DiFilippo, Naichang Yu, Shetal N Shah, Gordon McLennan, and Nancy Obuchowski

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics”

Increasing Superoxide Production and the Labile Iron Pool in Tumor Cells may Sensitize Them to Extracellular Ascorbate
Mark Frederick Mccarty and Francisco Contreras
The Notch Ligand Jagged1 as a Target for Anti-Tumor Therapy
Demin Li, Massimo Masiero, Alison H Banham, and Adrian L Harris
Current Limitations of Murine Models in Oncology for Ascorbate Research
Elizabeth J Campbell and Gabi U Dachs
The Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C on Cancer- and Chemotherapy-Related Fatigue and Quality of Life
Anitra C. Carr, Margreet C M Vissers, and John Cook
The War on Cancer: Lessons from the War on Terror
Sui Huang

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Genitourinary Oncology”

Prostate Cancer and New Insights in Angiogenesis
Sanja Stifter and Gordana Đorđević
Is DHT Production by 5α-Reductase Friend or Foe in Prostate Cancer?
Takeo Kosaka, Akira Miyajima, and Mototsugu Oya
Circulating Type-1 Anti-Tumor CD4+ T Cells are Preferentially Pro-Apoptotic in Cancer Patients
Amy K. Wesa, Maja Mandic, Jennifer L. Taylor, Stergios Moschos, John M. Kirkwood, William W. Kwok, James Harold Finke, and Walter J. Storkus

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Head and Neck Cancer”

The Potential Diagnostic Role of the Number of Ultrasonographic Characteristics for Patients with Thyroid Nodules Evaluated as Bethesda I–V
Tomohiro Sakashita, Akihiro Homma, Hiromitsu Hatakeyama, Takatsugu Mizumachi, Satoshi Kano, Jun Furusawa, Satoshi Iizuka, Kimiko Hoshino, Kanako Hatanaka, Koji Oba, and Satoshi Fukuda

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Hematology Oncology”

PP2A: The Achilles Heal in MDS with 5q Deletion
David Sallman, Sheng Wei, and Alan List

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Molecular and Cellular Oncology”

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: High Incidence of Detection of Mixed Human Cytomegalovirus Genotypes Associated with Disease Pathogenesis
Hossam Taha Mohamed, Mohamed El-Shinawi, M. Akram Nouh, Elsayed Tarek Elsayed, Abdel-Rahman Bashtar, Robert J. Schneider, and Mona Mostafa Mohamed
Laser Microdissection of the Alveolar Duct Enables Single-Cell Genomic Analysis
Robert Bennett, Alexandra Ysasi, Janeil Belle, Willi Wagner, Moritz A. Konerding, Paul Clark Blainey, Saumyadipta Pyne, and Steven J. Mentzer
Metabostemness: A New Cancer Hallmark
Cytomegalovirus as a Novel Target for Immunotherapy of Glioblastoma Multiforme
Andrea Schuessler, David Walker, and Rajiv Khanna
Extracellular Vesicles as Shuttles of Tumor Biomarkers and Anti-Tumor Drugs
Davide Zocco, Pietro Ferruzzi, Francesco Cappello, Winston Patrick Kuo, and Stefano Fais
Molecular Characterization of the Dominant-Negative Role of Cancer-Associated PTEN: Sometimes, Null is Better
Paolo Pinton and Saverio Marchi
p53 Family and Cellular Stress Responses in Cancer
Johanna Pflaum, Sophie Schlosser, and Martina Müller

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Pediatric Oncology”

The Biology and Targeting of FLT3 in Pediatric Leukemia
Colleen Annesley and Patrick Brown

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Radiation Oncology”

Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Cardiac Sparing in Patients with Left-Sided Breast Cancer
Claire LEMANSKI, Juliettte Thariat, Fred Ampil, Satya Bose, Jacqueline Vock, Rick Davis, Alexander Chi, Suresh Dutta, William Woods, Anand Desai, Juan Godinez, ULF LENNART Karlsson, Nam Phong Nguyen, and Vincent Vinh-Hung

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Radiation Oncology” (Continued)

Intersection of Cardiology and Oncology Clinical Practices
Farouk Mookadam, Ashwini Sharma, Howard Lee, and Donald Northfelt
The Utility of Positron Emission Tomography in the Treatment Planning of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Alexander Chi and Nam Phong Nguyen
Cardiac Avoidance in Breast Radiotherapy: Many Choices for a Worthwhile Objective
Atif J Khan, Sharad Goyal, and Frank A Vicini
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as Primary Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer in the Elderly or Patients with Poor Performance
Arya Amini, Jessica D McDermott, Gregory Gan, Shilpa Bhatia, Whitney Sumner, Christine Fisher, Antonio Jimeno, Daniel W Bowles, David Raben, and Sana Karam
Serum Biomarkers for the Detection of Cardiac Toxicity after Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients
Sibo Tian, Kim M Hirshfield, Salma K Jabbour, Deborah Toppmeyer, Bruce George Haffty, Atif J Khan, and Sharad Goyal
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Small Academic Hospital Experience
Oren B Factor, Charles C Vu, Jeffrey G Schneider, Matthew R Witten, Scott L Schubach, Alicia E Gittleman, Donna T Catell, and Jonathan A Haas
IMRT with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Boost for High Risk Malignant Salivary Gland Malignancies: A Case Series
Sana D Karam, Abdul Rashid, James W Snider, Margaux Wooster, Shilpa Bhatia, Ann K Jay, Kenneth Newkirk, Bruce Davidson, and K. William Harter
Improved Irritative Voiding Symptoms 3 Years after Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Zakie Rana, Robyn A Cyr, Leonard N Chen, Brian S Kim, Rudy A Moures, Thomas M Yung, Siyuan Lei, Brian Timothy Collins, Simeng Suy, Anatoly Dritschilo, John H Lynch, and Sean P Collins
Measurement of Mean Cardiac Dose for Various Breast Irradiation Techniques and Corresponding Risk of Major Cardiovascular Event
Tomas Rodrigo Merino Lara, Emmanuelle Fleury, Shahram Mashouf, Joelle Helou, Claire McCann, Mark Ruschin, Anthony Kim, Nadiya Makhani, and Jean-Philippe Pignol

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Thoracic Oncology”

Review of EGFR TKIs in Metastatic NSCLC, Including Ongoing Trials
Barbara Melosky
The Management of Brain Metastases in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Scott Owen and Luis Souhami
Management of Common Toxicities in Metastatic NSCLC Related to Anti-Lung Cancer Therapies with EGFR–TKIs
Vera Hirsh and Barbara Melosky
Optimizing Tissue Sampling for the Diagnosis, Subtyping, and Molecular Analysis of Lung Cancer
Linda Marie Ofiara, Asma Navasakulpong, Stephane Beaudoin, and Anne Valerie Gonzalez
Economic Impact of Tissue Testing and Treatments of Metastatic NSCLC in the Era of Personalized Medicine
Donna Marie Graham and Natasha Leighl
Treatment Algorithms for Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell, Non-Squamous Lung Cancer
Barbara Melosky
Hidden Treasures in “Ancient” Microarrays: Gene-Expression Portrays Biology and Potential Resistance Pathways of Major Lung Cancer Subtypes and Normal Tissue
Konstantinos Kerkentzes, Vincenzo Lagani, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Mogens Vyberg, and Oluf Dimitri Røe
Role of Radiotherapy in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Sergio L. Faria
A Multicenter Pilot Study Examining the Role of Circulating Tumor Cells as a Blood-Based Tumor Marker in Patients with Extensive Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Chao H Huang, Jo Wick, Gurusingham (Sitta) Sittampalam, Victor Sanjit Nirmalanandhan, Apar Ganti, Stephen K Williamson, Prakash C Neupane, Andrew Godwin, Sarah Schmitt, Nora J Smart, Sarah Spencer, and Peter J Van Veldhuizen
Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer: Has it Finally Arrived?
Ahmed A. Mostafa and Don Gordon Morris

Frontiers in Oncology, section “Tumor Immunity”

Multimodal Cancer Therapy Involving Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus, Autologous Immune Cells, and Bi-Specific Antibodies
Volker Schirrmacher and Philippe Fournier
Involvement of Platelet–Tumor Cell Interaction in Immune Evasion. Potential Role of Podocalyxin-Like Protein 1
Laura Amo, Estibaliz Tamayo-Orbegozo, Natalia Maruri, Cristina Eguizabal, Olatz Zenarruzabeitia, Marta Riñón, Arantza Arrieta, Silvia Santos, Jorge Monge, Miguel Angel Vesga, Francisco Borrego, and Susana Larrucea
Cancer Immunotherapy and Next-Generation Clinical Immune Assessment
Chao Ma
Adaptive Resistance to Immunotherapy Directed Against p53 Can be Overcome by Global Expression of Tumor-Antigens in Dendritic Cells
Matjaz Humar, Marc Azemar, Martina Maurer, and Bernd Groner
DQB1*06:02-Associated Pathogenic Anti-Myelin Autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis-Like Disease: Potential Function of DQB1*06:02 as a Disease-Predisposing Allele
Nathali Kaushansky and Avraham Ben-Nun
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