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74 articles related to "Seasonal Pattern"


Original Research

Published on 07 Feb 2019

Impact of “The Blob” and “El Niño” in the SW Baja California Peninsula: Plankton and Environmental Variability of Bahia Magdalena

in Global Change and the Future Ocean

  • María del Carmen Jiménez-Quiroz
  • Rafael Cervantes-Duarte
  • René Funes-Rodríguez
  • Sofía A. Barón-Campis
  • Felipe de Jesús García-Romero
  • Sergio Hernández-Trujillo
  • David U. Hernández-Becerril
  • Rogelio González-Armas
  • Raúl Martell-Dubois
  • Sergio Cerdeira-Estrada
Impact of “The Blob” and “El Niño” in the SW Baja California Peninsula: Plankton and Environmental Variability of Bahia Magdalena
Frontiers in Marine Science
doi 10.3389/fmars.2019.00025
  • 35 citations