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Photo of a human brain organoid at 14 weeks old with different brain cell types stained in different colors

Organoid intelligence: a new biocomputing frontier

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Lead article

Diagram of the set up for biological computing using organoid intelligence including inputs and outputs

Frontiers in Science Lead Article

Published on 28 Feb 2023

Organoid intelligence (OI): the new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish

  • Lena Smirnova
  • Brian S. Caffo
  • David H. Gracias
  • Qi Huang
  • Itzy E. Morales Pantoja
  • Bohao Tang
  • Donald J. Zack
  • Cynthia A. Berlinicke
  • J. Lomax Boyd
  • Timothy D. Harris
  • Erik C. Johnson
  • Brett J. Kagan
  • Jeffrey Kahn
  • Alysson R. Muotri
  • Barton L. Paulhamus
  • Jens C. Schwamborn
  • Jesse Plotkin
  • Alexander S. Szalay
  • Joshua T. Vogelstein
  • Paul F. Worley
  • Thomas Hartung
Frontiers in Science
doi 10.3389/fsci.2023.1017235
  • 73 citations

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