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REVIEW article

Front. Astron. Space Sci. , 11 December 2024

Sec. Nuclear Physics​

Volume 11 - 2024 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Strong and Weak Interactions in Compact Stars View all 4 articles

New insights into supradense matter from dissecting scaled stellar structure equations

  • 1Quantum Machine Learning Laboratory, Shadow Creator Inc., Shanghai, China
  • 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX, United States

The strong-field gravity in general relativity (GR) realized in neutron stars (NSs) renders the equation of state (EOS) P(ε) of supradense neutron star matter to be essentially nonlinear and refines the upper bound for ϕP/ε to be much smaller than the special relativity (SR) requirement with linear EOSs, where P and ε are respectively the pressure and energy density of the system considered. Specifically, a tight bound ϕ0.374 is obtained by perturbatively anatomizing the intrinsic structures of the scaled Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff (TOV) equations without using any input nuclear EOS. New insights gained from this novel analysis provide EOS-model-independent constraints on the properties (e.g., density profiles of the sound speed squared s2=dP/dε and trace anomaly Δ=1/3ϕ) of cold supradense matter in NS cores. Using the gravity-matter duality in theories describing NSs, we investigate the impact of gravity on supradense matter EOS in NSs. In particular, we show that the NS mass MNS, radius R, and compactness ξMNS/R scale with certain combinations of its central pressure and energy density (encapsulating its central EOS). Thus, observational data on these properties of NSs can straightforwardly constrain NS central EOSs without relying on any specific nuclear EOS model.

1 Introduction

The speed of sound squared (SSS) s2=dP/dε (Landau and Lifshitz, 1987) quantifies the stiffness of the equation of state (EOS) expressed in terms of the relationship P(ε) between the pressure P and the energy density ε of the system considered. The principle of causality of special relativity (SR) requires the speed of sound of any signal to stay smaller than the speed of light c1, that is, s1. For a linear EOS of the form P=wε with w being some constant, the condition s21 is globally equivalent to ϕ=P/ε1. For such EOSs, the causality condition can be equivalently written as follows:

Principle of Causality of SR with linear EOS implies PεϕP/ε1.(1)

The indicated equivalence between s21 and ϕ1 could be demonstrated as follows: If P could be greater than ε somewhere, then the curve of P(ε) may unavoidably across the line P=ε from below to above, indicating the slope at the crossing point is necessarily larger than 1, as illustrated in Figure 1. In the following, we use the above causality requirement on ϕ with linear EOSs as a reference in discussing properties of supradense matter in strong-field gravity.

Figure 1

Figure 1. An illustration of the equivalence between s21 with a linear EOS and ϕ1: If P could be greater than ε somewhere, then the curve of P(ε) must cross the line P=ε from below to above, indicating that s2=dP/dε>1 at the crossing point.

The EOS of nuclear matter may be strongly nonlinear depending on both the internal interactions and the external environment/constraint of the system; this means that ϕ1 is necessary but not sufficient to ensure supradense matter in all NSs always stays causal. For example, the EOS of noninteracting degenerate fermions (e.g., electrons) can be written in the polytropic form P=Kεβ (Shapiro and Teukolsky, 1983), where β=5/3 for non-relativistic and β=4/3 for extremely relativistic electrons; consequently, ϕβ1<1. Similarly, many years ago, Zel’dovich considered the EOS of an isolated ultra-dense system of baryons interacting through a vector field (Zel’dovich, 1961). In this case, P=ερ2; here, ρ is the baryon number density. Consequently, P/ε1 is obtained. The EOS of dense nuclear matter where nucleons interact through both the σ-meson and ω-meson in the Walecka model (Walecka, 1974) is an example of this type. In particular, the ω-field scales at asymptotically large density as ωρ while the σ-field scales σρs with the scalar density ρs approaching some constant for ρ (Cai and Li, 2016); therefore, the vector field dominates at these densities. More generally, however, going beyond the vector field, the baryon density dependence of either P(ρ) or ε(ρ) could be very complicated and nontrivial. The resulting EOS P(ε) could also be significantly nonlinear. The EOS of supradense matter under the intense gravity of NSs could be forced to be nonlinear as the equilibrium state of NSs is determined by extremizing the total action of the matter–gravity system through Hamilton’s variational principle. It is well known that the strong-field gravity in general relativity (GR) is fundamentally nonlinear; the EOS of NS matter, especially in its core, is thus also expected to be nonlinear. Therefore, the causality condition s21 may be appreciably different from ϕ1, and it may also effectively render the upper bound for ϕ to be smaller than 1. Accurately determining an upper bound of ϕ (equivalently a lower bound of the dimensionless trace anomaly Δ=1/3ϕ) will thus help constrain properties of supradense matter in strong-field gravity.

The upper bound for ϕ is a fundamental quantity essentially encapsulating the strong-field properties of gravity in GR. Its accurate determination may help improve our understanding of the nature of gravity. The latter is presently the least known among the four fundamental forces despite being the first one discovered in nature (Hoyle, 2003). An upper bound on ϕ substantially different from 1 then vividly characterizes how GR affects the supradense matter existing in NSs. In some physical senses, this is similar to the effort in determining the Bertsch parameter. The latter was introduced as the ratio EUFG/EFFG of the EOS of a unitary Fermi gas (UFG) over that of the free Fermi gas (FFG) EFFG (Giorgini et al., 2008); here, EFFG and EUFG are the energies per particle in the two systems considered. The EOS characterizes the strong interactions among fermions under the unitary condition. Extensive theoretical and experimental efforts have been made to constrain/fix the Bertsch parameter. Indeed, its accurate determination has already made a strong impact on understanding strongly interacting fermions (Giorgini et al., 2008; Bloch et al., 2008).

There are fundamental physics issues regarding both strong-field gravity and supradense matter EOS and their couplings. What is gravity? Is a new theory of light and matter needed to explain what happens at very high energies and temperatures? These are among the eleven greatest unanswered physics questions for this century, as identified in 2003 by the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academies (National Research Council, 2003). Compact stars provide far more extreme conditions necessary to test possible answers to these questions than terrestrial laboratories. A gravity-matter duality exists in theories describing NS properties; see, for example, Psaltis (2008) and Shao (2019) for recent reviews. Neutron stars are natural testing grounds for our knowledge of these issues. Some of their observational properties may help break the gravity-matter duality; see, for example, DeDeo and Psaltis (2003), Wen et al. (2009), Lin et al. (2014), He et al. (2015), Yang et al. (2020). Naturally, these issues are intertwined, and one may gain new insights into the EOS of supradense matter by analyzing features of strong-field gravity or vice versa. The matter-gravity duality reflects the deep connection between the microscopic physics of supradense matter and the powerful gravity effects of NSs. They both must be fully understood to unravel mysteries associated with compact objects in the Universe. In this brief review, we summarize the main physics motivation, formalism, and results of our recent efforts to gain new insights into the EOS of supradense matter in NS cores by perturbatively dissecting the intrinsic structures of the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff (TOV) equations (Tolman, 1939; Oppenheimer and Volkoff, 1939) without using any input nuclear EOS. For more details, we refer the readers to our original publications in Cai et al. (2023b), (Cai et al., 2023a), Cai and Li (2024a), and (Cai and Li, 2024b).

The rest of this article is organized as follows: First, in Section 2, we make a few remarks about some existing constraints on the EOS of supradense NS matter. Section 3 introduces the scaled TOV equations from which one can execute an effective perturbative expansion; the central SSS is obtained in Section 4. We then infer an upper bound for the ratio Xϕc=Pc/εc of central pressure Pc over central energy density εc for NSs at the maximum-mass configuration along the M-R curve. The generalization for the upper bound of P/ε is also studied in Section 4. In Section 5, we compare our prediction on the lower bound of Δ=1/3P/ε with existing predictions in the literature. We summarize in Section 6 and give some perspectives for future studies. In the Appendix, we discuss an effective correction to sc2 obtained in Section 4.

2 Remarks on some existing constraints on supradense NS matter

Understanding the EOS of supradense matter has long been an important issue in both nuclear physics and astrophysics (Walecka, 1974; Chin, 1977; Freedman and McLerran, 1977; Baluni, 1978; Wiringa et al., 1988; Akmal et al., 1998; Migdal, 1978; Morley and Kislinger, 1979; Shuryak, 1980; Bailin and Love, 1984; Lattimer and Prakash, 2001; Danielewicz et al., 2002; Steiner et al., 2005; Lattimer and Prakash, 2007; Alford et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008; Watts et al., 2016; Özel and Freire, 2016; Oertel et al., 2017; Vidaña, 2018). In fact, it has been an outstanding driver at many research facilities in both fields. For example, finding the EOS of the densest visible matter existing in our Universe is an ultimate goal of astrophysics in the era of high-precision multimessenger astronomy (Sathyaprakash et al., 2019). However, despite much effort and progress made during the last few decades using various observational data and models, especially since the discovery of GW170817 (Abbott et al., 2017a; 2018), GW190425 (Abbott et al., 2020a), GW190814 (Abbott et al., 2020b) and the recent NASA’s NICER (Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer) mass-radius measurements for PSR J0740 + 6,620 (Fonseca et al., 2021; Riley et al., 2021; Miller et al., 2021; Salmi et al., 2022; Dittmann et al., 2024; Salmi et al., 2024), PSR J0030 + 0451 (Riley et al., 2019; Miller et al., 2019; Vinciguerra et al., 2024), and PSR J0437-4715 (Choudhury et al., 2024; Reardon et al., 2024), knowledge about the core NS EOS remains ambiguous and quite elusive (see, for example, Bose et al., 2018; De et al., 2018; Fattoyev et al., 2018; Lim and Holt, 2018; Most et al., 2018; Radice et al., 2018; Tews et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018; Bauswein et al., 2019; 2020; Baym et al., 2019; McLerran and Reddy, 2019; Most et al., 2019; Annala et al., 2020; 2023; Sedrakian et al., 2020; Zhao and Lattimer, 2020; Weih et al., 2020; Xie and Li, 2019; 2020; 2021; Drischler et al., 2020; 2021a; Li et al., 2020; Bombaci et al., 2021; Al-Mamun et al., 2021; Nathanail et al., 2021; Raaijmakers et al., 2021; Altiparmak et al., 2022; Breschi et al., 2022; Komoltsev and Kurkela, 2022; Perego et al., 2022; Huang et al., 2022; Tan et al., 2022a; b; Brandes et al., 2023b; a; Gorda et al., 2023; Han et al., 2023; Jiang et al., 2023; Ofengeim et al., 2023; Mroczek et al., 2023; Raithel and Most, 2023; Somasundaram et al., 2023; Zhang and Li, 2020; 2021; 2023b; a; Pang et al., 2023; Fujimoto et al., 2024; Providência et al., 2024; Rutherford et al., 2024). See recent reviews for additional discussion (for example, Baym et al., 2018; Baiotti, 2019; Li et al., 2019; Orsaria et al., 2019; Blaschke et al., 2020; Capano et al., 2020; Chatziioannou, 2020; Burgio et al., 2021; Dexheimer et al., 2021; Drischler et al., 2021b; Lattimer, 2021; Li et al., 2021; Lovato et al., 2022; Sedrakian et al., 2023; Kumar et al., 2024; Sorensen et al., 2024; Tsang et al., 2024).

Extensive theoretical investigations about the EOS of supradense NS matter have been conducted, and many interesting predictions have been made. For example, the realization of approximate conformal symmetry of quark matter at extremely high densities ρ40ρ0 with ρ0ρsat the nuclear saturation density implies the corresponding EOS approaches that of an ultra-relativistic Fermi gas (URFG) from below, namely (Bjorken, 1983; Kurkela et al., 2010):

URFG:  Pε/3ϕ1/3,  at extremely high densities.(2)

For the URFG, 3Pερ4/3. Therefore, ϕ=P/ε is at least upper bounded to be below 1/3 at these densities; equivalently, a lower bound on the dimensionless trace anomaly emerges:

Δ1/3P/ε0,  at extremely high densities ρ40ρ0.(3)

This prompts the question of whether the bound ϕ1/3 holds globally for dense matter or if some other bound(s) on ϕ may exist. In this sense, massive NSs like PSR J1614-2230 (Demorest et al., 2010; Arzoumanian et al., 2018), PSR J0348 + 0432 (Antoniadis et al., 2013), PSR J0740 + 6,620 (Fonseca et al., 2021; Riley et al., 2021; Miller et al., 2021; Salmi et al., 2022; Dittmann et al., 2024; Salmi et al., 2024), and PSR J2215 + 5135 (Sullivan and Romani, 2024) provide an ideal testing bed for exploring such quantity. A sizable ϕO(0.1) arises for NSs but not for ordinary stars or low-density nuclear matter (Cai and Li, 2024a). For example, considering stars such as white dwarfs (WDs), one has P1022-23dynes/cm210(11-10)MeV/fm3 and ε108-9kg/m3106MeV/fm3; thus, ϕ10(5-4). The ϕ could be even smaller for main-sequence stars like the Sun. Specifically, the pressure and energy density in the solar core are approximately 1016MeV/fm3 and 1010MeV/fm3, respectively, and therefore ϕ106. These stars are Newtonian in the sense that GR effects are almost absent. Similarly, for NS matter around nuclear saturation density ρ0=ρsat0.16fm3, the pressure is estimated to be P(ρ0)P0(ρ0)+Psym(ρ0)δ231Lρ0δ23MeV/fm3. Its isospin-dependent part is Psym(ρ0)=31Lρ0with L60MeV (Li et al., 2018; 2021) being the slope parameter of nuclear symmetry energy Esym(ρ)at ρ0, δis the isospin asymmetry of the system (δ21), and P0(ρ0)=0is the pressure of symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) at ρ0. The energy density at ρ0is similarly estimated as ε(ρ0)[E0(ρ0)+Esym(ρ0)δ2+MN]ρ0150MeV/fm3with MN939MeVthe nucleon static mass, E0(ρ0)16MeVthe binding energy at ρ0for SNM, and Esym(ρ0)32MeV (Li, 2017), leading to ϕ0.02.

Based on the dimensional analysis and the definition of sound speed, we may write out the SSS generally as (we use the units in which c=1)

s2=ϕfϕ,  ϕ=P/ε,(4)

where f(ϕ) is dimensionless. For low-density matter, such as matter in ordinary stars and WDs or the nuclear matter around saturation density ρ0, the ratio ϕ is also small (as estimated in the last paragraph), indicating that f(ϕ) could be expanded around ϕ=0 as f(ϕ)f0+f1ϕ+f2ϕ2+, where f0>0 (to guarantee the stability condition s20). Keeping the first leading-order term f0 enables us to obtain s2f0ϕ, so s2 has a similar value of ϕ if f0O(1), and the EOS does not take a linear form (except for f0=1). Moreover, the causality principle requires ϕf01. The s20.03ϕ0.02 at ρ0 from chiral effective field calculations (Essick et al., 2021) confirms our order-of-magnitude estimate on s2. If the next-leading-order term f1 is small and positive, then the upper bound for ϕ becomes ϕf01(1f1/f02), which is even reduced compared with f01. The exact form of f(ϕ) should be worked out/analyzed by the general-relativistic structure equations for NSs (Tolman, 1939; Oppenheimer and Volkoff, 1939). By doing that, we demonstrated earlier that ϕ is upper bounded as ϕ0.374 near the centers of stable NSs (Cai et al., 2023b; Cai et al., 2023a; Cai and Li, 2024a; Cai and Li, 2024b). The corresponding trace anomaly Δ in NS cores is thus bounded to be above 0.04. In the next sections, we first show the main steps leading to these conclusions and then discuss their ramifications compared with existing predictions on Δ in the literature.

3 Analyzing scaled TOV equations, mass/radius scalings, and central SSS

The TOV equations describe the radial evolution of pressure P(r) and mass M(r) of an NS under static hydrodynamic equilibrium conditions (Tolman, 1939; Oppenheimer and Volkoff, 1939). In particular, we have (adopting c=1)

dPdr=GMεr21+Pε1+4πr3PM12GMr1,  dMdr=4πr2ε,(5)

Here, the mass M=M(r), pressure P=P(r), and energy density ε=ε(r) are functions of the distance r from NS center. The central energy density εc is a specific and important quantity, which straightforwardly connects the central pressure Pc via the EOS Pc=P(εc). Using εc, we can construct a mass scale W and a length scale Q:

W=1G14πGεc=14πεc,  Q=14πGεc=14πεc,(6)

respectively. Here, the second relations follow with G=1. Using W and Q, we can rewrite the TOV equations in the following dimensionless form (Cai et al., 2023b; Cai et al., 2023a; Cai and Li, 2024a; Cai and Li, 2024b),

dP̂dr̂=ε̂M̂r̂21+P̂/ε̂1+r̂3P̂/M̂12M̂/r̂,  dM̂dr̂=r̂2ε̂,(7)

where P̂=P/εc, ε̂=ε/εc, r̂=r/Q and M̂=M/W. The general smallness of


together with the smallness of


near NS centers enable us to develop effective/controllable expansion of a relevant quantity U over X and μ as Cai et al. (2023b), (Cai et al., 2023a), Cai and Li (2024a), (Cai and Li, 2024b):


Here, Uc is the quantity U at the center. Because both GR and its Newtonian counterpart with small ϕ and X are nonlinear, the TOV equations are also nonlinear. One often solves the more involved nonlinear TOV equations by adopting numerical algorithms via a selected εc and an input-dense matter EOS (Cai and Li, 2016; Li et al., 2022) as well as the termination condition:


which defines the NS radius R. The NS mass is given as

MNS=M̂NSW,  with  M̂NSM̂R̂=0R̂dr̂r̂2ε̂r̂.(12)

Starting from the scaled TOV Equation 7, we can show that both P̂ and ε̂ are even under the transformation r̂r̂, while M̂ is odd (Cai and Li, 2024a). Therefore, we can write the general expansions for ε̂, P̂ and M̂ near r̂=0:


the expansion for M̂ follows directly from that for ε̂. As a direct consequence, we find that s2(r̂)=s2(r̂); that is, there would be no odd terms in r̂ in the expansion of s2 over r̂. The relationships between {aj} and {bj} are determined by the scaled TOV Equation 7; and the results are (Cai et al., 2023b)


etc., and all the odd terms of {bj} and {aj} are 0. The coefficient a2 can be expressed in terms of b2 via the SSS because


Evaluating it at r̂=0 gives sc2=b2/a2, or inversely, a2=b2/sc2. Because sc2>0 and b2<0, we find a2<0; that is, the energy density is a monotonically decreasing function of r̂ near r̂0.

According to the definition of NS radius given in Equation 11, we obtain from the truncated equation X+b2R̂20 that R̂(X/b2)1/2=[6X/(1+3X2+4X)]1/2, and therefore, the radius R (Cai et al., 2023b):

R=R̂Q32πG1/2νc,  with  νc1εcX1+3X2+4X1/2.(20)

Similarly, the NS mass scales as Cai et al. (2023b).

MNS13R̂3ε̂cW=13R̂3W6πG31/2Γc,  with  Γc1εcX1+3X2+4X3/2.(21)

Consequently, the NS compactness ξ scales as Cai and Li (2024b).

ξMNSR2GX1+3X2+4X=2ΠcG,  with  ΠcX1+3X2+4X.(22)

For small X (Newtonian limit), ξ2X. Relation (22) implies that X is the source and also a measure of NS compactness (Cai and Li, 2024b). The correlation between X and ξ is studied and fitted numerically in the form of lnXiziξiusing various EOS models (Saes and Mendes, 2022). Such fitting schemes eventually become effective as enough parameters, zi, are used. However, the real correlation between X and ξ is somehow lost. In particular, our correlation tells that ξτ0+τ1X+τ2X2+with τ00and τ12.

The maximum-mass configuration (or the TOV configuration) along the NS M-R curve is a special point. Consider a typical NS M-R curve near the TOV configuration from right to left, the radius R (mass MNS) eventually decreases (increases), the compactness ξ=MNS/R correspondingly increases and reaches its maximum value at the TOV configuration. When going to the left along the M-R curve even further, the stars become unstable and may collapse into black holes (BHs). The NS at the TOV configuration is denser than its surroundings, and the cores of such NSs contain the densest stable visible matter in the Universe. The TOV configuration is indicated on a typical M-R sequence in Figure 2. Mathematically, the TOV configuration is described as


Figure 2

Figure 2. An illustration of the TOV configuration on a typical mass-radius sequence. The cores of NSs at the TOV configuration contain the densest visible matter in our Universe; the compactness ξ for such NSs is the largest among all stable NSs.

Using the NS mass scaling of Equation 21, we obtain

dMNSdεc=12MNSεc3sc2X113X21+3X2+4X1,  where  sc2dPcdεc.(24)

Inversely, we obtain the expression for the central SSS (Cai et al., 2023a; Cai and Li, 2024a),

for stable NSs along M-R curve:  sc2=X1+1+Ψ31+3X2+4X13X2,(25)



We see that the SSS is in the form of Equation 4. For NSs at the TOV configuration, we have

for NSs at the TOV configuration:  sc2=X1+131+3X2+4X13X2.(27)

because now, Ψ=0. Using the sc2 of Equation 27 for NSs at the TOV configuration, we can calculate the derivative of NS radius R with respect to εc around the TOV point, that is, Cai et al. (2023b).


That is, as εc increases, the radius R decreases (self-gravitating property), as expected. On the other hand, for stable NSs along the M-R curve with a nonzero Ψ, we have dR/dεc(Ψ2)/3; this means if Ψ is approximately 2, the dependence of the radius on εc would be weak.

For verification, the scaling Rmax-νc (panel (a)) of Equation 20 and the scaling MNSmax-Γc (panel (b)) of Equation 21 are shown in Figure 3 by using 87 phenomenological and 17 extra microscopic NS EOSs with and/or without considering hadron-quark phase transitions and hyperons by solving the original TOV equations numerically. See Cai et al. (2023b) for more details on these EOS samples. The observed strong linear correlations demonstrate vividly that the Rmax-νc and MNSmax-Γc scalings are nearly universal. While it is presently unclear where the mass threshold for massive NSs to collapse into BHs is located, the TOV configuration is the closest to it theoretically. It is also well known that certain properties of BHs are universal and only depend on quantities like mass, charge, and angular momentum. One thus expects the NS mass and radius scalings near the TOV configuration to be more EOS-independent than those for light NSs. It is also interesting to notice that EOSs allowing phase transitions and/or hyperon formations consistently predict the same scalings.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Panel (A): the Rmax-νc correlation using 104 EOS samples (colored symbols); see Cai et al. (2023b) for more detailed descriptions on these EOSs. The constraints on the mass (Fonseca et al., 2021) and radius (Riley et al., 2021) of PSR J0740 + 6,620 are shown by the pink hatched bands. Panel (B): similar to the left panel but for MNSmax-Γc. The orange arrows and captions nearby in each panel indicate the νc and Γc defined in Equation 20 and Equation 21, respectively. Figures taken from Cai et al. (2023b).

By performing linear fits of the results obtained from the EOS samples, the quantitative scaling relations are (Cai et al., 2023b; Cai et al., 2023a; Cai and Li, 2024a)


with their Pearson’s coefficients approximately 0.958 and 0.986, respectively. Here, νc and Γc are measured in fm3/2/MeV1/2. In addition, the standard errors for the radius and mass fittings are approximately 0.031 and 0.003 for these EOS samples. In Figure 3, the condition MNSmax1.2M used is necessary to mitigate influences of uncertainties in modeling the crust EOS (Baym et al., 1971; Iida and Sato, 1997; Xu et al., 2009) for low-mass NSs. For the heavier NSs studied here, it is reassuring to see that although the above 104 EOSs predicted quite different crust properties, they all fall closely around the same scaling lines consistently, especially for the MNSmax-Γc relation.

4 Gravitational upper bound on Xϕc=Pc/εc, its generalizations, and the impact on supradense NS matter EOS

Based on Equation 27 and the principle of causality of SR, we obtain immediately (Cai et al., 2023b)


Although the causality condition requires apparently P̂c1, the supradense nature of core NS matter indicated by the nonlinear dependence of sc2 on P̂c essentially renders it to be much smaller.

A small X<1 was, in fact, indicated earlier in the literature (Koranda et al., 1997; Saes and Mendes, 2022). For example, in Koranda et al. (1997), the minimum-period EOS of the form P(ε)=0 for ε<εf and P(ε)=εεf for εεf was adopted; here, εf is a free parameter of the model. Such an EOS is simplified and unrealistic in the following senses: (1) both the parameter εf2.156×1015g/cm38.1ε0 and the central energy density εc4.778×1015g/cm317.9ε0 are unrealistically large for a 1.442M NS (Koranda et al., 1997); the consequent ratio X in this model is X=1εf/εc0.55; (2) the central SSS of 1 of such model is inconsistent with Equation 27. Actually, only with X=1εf/εc0.374 or εf/εc0.626 can one make this EOS model consistent with Equation 27. That is, the parameter space for εf is limited; however, a vanishing pressure up to εf/εc0.626 is fundamentally unsatisfactory. Therefore, X0.55 is only qualitatively meaningful.

The bound (31) is obtained under the specific condition that it gives the upper limit for ϕ=P/ε at the center of NSs at TOV configurations. In order to bound a general ϕ=P/ε=P̂/ε̂, we need to take three generalizations of X0.374 obtained from Equation 31 by asking (Cai et al., 2023a).

(a) How does ϕ=P̂/ε̂ behave at a finite r̂ for the maximum-mass configuration MNSmax?

(b) How does the limit X0.374 modify when considering stable NSs on the M-R curve away from the TOV configuration?

(c) By combining (a) and (b), how does ϕ behave for stable NSs at finite distances r̂ away from their centers?

For the first question, because the pressure P̂ and ε̂ are both decreasing functions of r̂, that is, P̂P̂c+b2r̂2<P̂c and ε̂1+sc2b2r̂2<1 (notice ε̂c=1 and a2=b2/sc2), we obtain by taking their ratio:


Generally, 1P̂c/sc2>0, the small-P̂c expansions of sc2 of Equation 27 and b2 of Equation 16 are used in the last step. This means that not only P̂ and ε̂ decrease for finite r̂ but also does their ratio P̂/ε̂. Therefore, for NSs at the TOV configuration of the M-R curves, we have ϕ=P̂/ε̂P̂c0.374. Considering the second question and for stable NSs on the M-R curve, one has Ψ>0 (of Equation 26), and Equation 25 induces an even smaller upper bound for X than 0.374. Furthermore, for the last question (c), the inequality (32) still holds and is slightly modified for small P̂c as


which implies that ϕ=P̂/ε̂ for Ψ0 also decreases with r̂.

Combining the above three aspects, we find

for stable NSs along M-R curve near/at the centers:  ϕ=P/ε=P̂/ε̂X0.374.(34)

Nevertheless, the validity of this conclusion is limited to small r̂ due to the perturbative nature of the expansions of P̂(r̂) and ε̂(r̂). Whether ϕ=P/ε could exceed such upper limit at even larger distances away from the centers depends on the joint analysis of s2 and P/ε, for example, by including more higher-order contributions of the expansions (Cai et al., 2023a). The upper bound P/ε0.374 (at least near the NS centers) is an intrinsic property of the TOV equations, which embody the strong-field aspects of gravity in GR, especially the strong self-gravitating nature. In this sense, there is no guarantee a priori that this bound is consistent with all microscopic nuclear EOSs (either relativistic or non-relativistic). This is mainly because the latter were conventionally constructed without considering the strong-field ingredients of gravity. The robustness of such an upper bound for ϕ=P/ε can be checked only by observable astrophysical quantities/processes involving strong-field aspects of gravity such as NS M-R data, NS-NS mergers, and/or NS-BH mergers (Baumgarte and Shapiro, 2010; Shibata, 2015; Baiotti and Rezzolla, 2017; Kyutoku et al., 2021). As mentioned earlier, in the NS matter-gravity inseparable system, the total action determines the matter state and the NS structure. Thus, to our best knowledge, there is no physics requirement that the EOS of supradense matter created in vacuum from high-energy heavy-ion collisions or other laboratory experiments where effects of gravity can be neglected must be the same as EOSs in NSs, as the nuclear matter in the two situations is in very different environments. Nevertheless, the ramifications of the above findings and logical arguments should be further investigated.

Next, we consider the Newtonian limit where ϕ and X are small. We can neglect 3X2+4X in the coefficient b2; consequently, b2=1/6 is obtained (Chandrasekhar, 2010). In such case, we shall obtain from Equation 27:

Newtonian limit:  sc24X/3,(35)

and the principle of causality requires X3/4=0.75X+N. The latter can be applied to nuclear matter created in laboratory experiments where the effects of gravity can be neglected. Turning on gravity in NSs, we see that the nonlinearity of Newtonian gravity has already reduced the upper bound for ϕ from 1 obtained by requiring s21 in SR via a linear EOS of the form P=const.×ε to 3/4; the even stronger nonlinearity of the gravity in GR reduces it further. These effects of gravity on ϕ are illustrated in Figure 4. It is seen that the strong-field gravity in GR brings a relative reduction on the upper bound for ϕ by approximately 100%. Though the ϕ or X in Newtonian gravity is generally smaller, the upper bound for ϕ or X is, however, larger than its GR counterpart. The index sc2/X, being greater than 1 in both Newtonian gravity and in GR, implies that the central EOS in NSs once considering the gravity effect could not be linear or conformal.

Figure 4

Figure 4. An illustration of the gravitational effects on supradense matter EOS in NSs: The nonlinearity of Newtonian gravity reduces the upper bound for ϕ from 1 (obtained by requiring s21 in SR via a linear EOS of the form P=const.×ε for supradense matter in vacuum) to 3/4 = 0.75, and the even stronger nonlinearity of the gravity in GR further refines it to be approximately 0.374.

We emphasize that all of the analyses above based on SR and GR are general from analyzing perturbatively analytical solutions of the scaled TOV equations without using any specific nuclear EOS. Because the TOV equations are the results of a hydrodynamical equilibrium of NS matter in the environment of a strong-field gravity from extremizing the total action of the matter-gravity system, features revealed above from SR and GR inherent in the TOV equations must be matched by the nuclear EOS. This requirement can then put strong constraints on the latter. In particular, the upper bound for ϕ as ϕX+GR0.374 of Equation 31 enables us to limit the density dependence of nuclear EOS relevant for NS modeling.

In the following, we provide an example illustrating how the strong-field gravity can restrict the behavior of superdense matter in NSs. For simplicity, we assume that the energy per baryon takes the following form:


where the first term is the kinetic energy of an FFG of neutrons in NSs with BFFG35 MeV being its known value at ρ0, and the second term is the contribution from interactions described with the parameters B and σ. The pressure and the energy density are obtained from P(ρ)=ρ2dE/dρ and ε(ρ)=[E(ρ)+MN]ρ, respectively. The ratio ϕ=P/ε and the SSS s2=dP/dε could be obtained correspondingly. After denoting the reduced density ρ/ρ0, where s21 and ϕXX+GR, as (e.g., 8 for realistic NSs), the following constraining equation for σ is obtained:


Thus, X+GR effectively restricts the index σ characterizing the stiffness of nuclear EOS. There are two solutions of Equation 37, with one being greater than 1 (denoted as σlarge) and the other smaller than 1 (denoted as σsmall). They can be explicitly written as




The expression for the coefficient B is


which depends on X+GR through σ. As a numerical example, using MN939MeV, BFFG35MeV, and 6 leads to σlarge3.1 and Blarge0.45MeV or σsmall0.06 and Bsmall906MeV (this second solution is unphysical because B>0 is necessarily required to make E(ρ)>0 at NS densities). If one artificially takes X+GR=1, then the two solutions (38) approach

σsmall2311+3/Λ=231+32/3MNBFFG11,  and  σlarge1  from above.(41)

Now, neither solution is physical because Bsmall<0 for σsmall, while Blarge+ for σlarge1 from above, according to Equation 40. The general X+GR-dependence of σlarge and σsmall of Equation 38 is shown in Figure 5. It is seen that only as X+GR1 does the EOS approach a linear form E(ρ)Bρ/ρ0ρ (so PBρ2/ρ0 and εBρ2/ρ0+MNρ) at large densities (magenta line), which is consistent with our general analyses and expectation.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Gravitational impact on the EOS of supradense matter and the underlying strong interaction in NSs: the general X+GR-dependence of σlarge and σsmall of Equation 38, based on the nuclear EOS model of Equation 36; here BFFG35MeV, MN939MeV, and =ρ/ρ06.

Because the parameterization (36) is over-simplified, more density-dependent terms should be included for general cases; that is, B(ρ/ρ0)σj=1JBj(ρ/ρ0)σj. We may then obtain two related equations from ϕXX+GR and s21 as (for either X+GR=1 or X+GR1):


These constraints for Bj and σj should be taken appropriately into account when writing an effective NS EOS based on density expansions. For example, when extending Equation 36 to be E(ρ)=BFFG(ρ/ρ0)2/3+B1(ρ/ρ0)σ1+B2(ρ/ρ0)σ2 under two conditions E(ρ0,δ)E0(ρ0)+Esym(ρ0)δ215MeV for pure neutron matter with δ=1 and P(ρ0)3MeV/fm3, using 6 together with X+GR0.374, we may obtain σ10.3 and σ23.0 (as well as B120.5MeV and B20.5MeV), respectively. This example quantitatively shows that the gravitational bound naturally leads to a constraint on the nuclear EOS and the underlying interactions in NSs.

5 Gravitational lower bound on trace anomaly Δ in supradense NS matter

After the above general demonstration on the gravitational upper limit for ϕ near NS centers given by (31) or (34), we equivalently obtain a lower limit on the dimensionless trace anomaly Δ=1/3ϕ as


It is very interesting to notice that such a GR bound on Δ is very close to the one predicted by perturbative QCD (pQCD) at extremely high densities owning to the realization of approximate conformal symmetry of quark matter (Bjorken, 1983; Fujimoto et al., 2022), as shown in Figure 6 using certain NS modelings. A possible negative Δ in NSs was first pointed out by Fujimoto et al. (2022). Since then, several studies have been made on this issue. In the following, we summarize the main findings of these studies by others and compare them with what we found above when possible.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Trace anomaly Δ as a function of energy density ε/ε0. Here, the Δ in NSs tends to be negative, although the pQCD prediction on it approaches zero, and ε0150MeV/fm3 is the energy density at nuclear saturation density. Figure taken from Fujimoto et al. (2022).

The analysis in Ecker and Rezzolla (2022) using an agnostic EOS showed that Δ is very close to 0 for MTOV2.18 2.35M and may be slightly negative for even more massive NSs (e.g., Δ0.0210.136+0.039 for MTOV2.52M); the radial dependence of Δ is shown in the upper panel of Figure 7 from which one finds the Δ for NS at the TOV configuration is much deeper than that in a canonical NS. Moreover, incorporating the pQCD effects (ΔpQCD0) was found to effectively increase the inference on Δ. An updated analysis of Ecker and Rezzolla (2022) was given in Musolino et al. (2024), where Δ0.0590.158+0.162 or Δ0.0190.129+0.100 was obtained under the constraint MTOV2.35M without or with considering the pQCD effects; see the lower panel of Figure 7 for the PDFs. Similarly, if MTOV2.20M was required, these two limits become Δ0.0460.166+0.167 and Δ0.0290.133+0.108 (Musolino et al., 2024), respectively. In Takátsy et al. (2023), the central minimum value of Δ is found to be about 0.04 using the NICER data together with the tidal deformability from GW170817, and a value of Δmin0.040.09+0.11 was inferred considering additionally the second component of GW190814 as an NS with mass approximately 2.59M (Abbott R. et al., 2020) using two hadronic EOS models (Takátsy et al., 2023); see the upper panel of Figure 8. By incorporating the constraints from AT2017gfo (Abbott et al., 2017b), it was found (Pang et al., 2024) that the minimum of Δ is very close to 0 (approximately 0.03 to 0.05), as shown in the lower panel of Figure 8. Using similar low-density nuclear constraints as well as astrophysical data, including the black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607 (Romani et al., 2022), Brandes et al. (2023a) predicted Δ0.0860.07+0.07 taken at ε1GeV/fm3. Another analysis within the Bayesian framework considering the state-of-the-art theoretical calculations showed that Δ0.01 (Annala et al., 2023) (where MTOV2.270.11+0.11M is assumed). Furthermore, by considering the slope and curvature of energy per particle in NSs, Marczenko et al. (2024) showed that Δ is lower bounded for MTOV to be approximately 0.020.03+0.03. In addition, Cao and Chen (2023) found that the Δ should be roughly larger than about 0.040.09+0.08 in self-bound quark stars while that in a normal NS is generally greater than zero.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Upper panel: radial dependence of Δ with the constraint MTOV/M2.35. Figure taken from Ecker and Rezzolla (2022). Lower panel: PDF for Δ with/without considering the pQCD limit at extremely high densities. The first (second) line in the lower panel is for non-rotating (Kepler rotating) NSs. Figure taken from Musolino et al. (2024).

Figure 8

Figure 8. Two typical inferences on the energy density (or baryon density) dependence of Δ. Figures taken from Takátsy et al. (2023) (upper panel) and Pang et al. (2024) (lower panel).

A very recent study classified the EOSs by using the local and/or global derivative dMNS/dR of the resulting mass-radius sequences (Ferreira and Providência, 2024). Limiting the sign of dMNS/dR to positive on the M-R curve for NS masses between about 1M and MTOV, it was found that Δ0.0080.160+0.133 (Ferreira and Providência, 2024). On the other hand, if dMNS/dR<0 is required for all NS masses, then Δ0.0570.119+0.119 is found; see the upper left panel of Figure 9. Our understanding of this behavior is as follows: A negative slope dMNS/dR along the whole M-R curve with MNS/M1 (Ferreira and Providência, 2024) implies the radius of NS at the TOV configuration is relatively smaller than the one with a positive dMNS/dR on a certain M-R segment, as indicated in the upper right panel of Figure 9. Thus, the NS compactness ξ in the former case is relatively larger, which induces a larger X via Equation 22 and, correspondingly, a smaller Δ (Cai and Li, 2024b). The smaller radius also implies that the NS is much denser, so the maximum baryon density is correspondingly larger (Ferreira and Providência, 2024). The dense matter trace anomaly in twin stars satisfying relevant static and dynamic stability conditions was recently studied (Jiménez et al., 2024). The Δ was found to be deeply bounded roughly as Δ0.035 (Jiménez et al., 2024), as shown in the bottom panel of Figure 9. A deep negative Δ implies a large ϕ or X, so the compactness is correspondingly large according to Relation (22). We notice that the radii obtained in Jiménez et al. (2024) for certain NS masses (e.g., approximately 2M) may be small compared with the observational data, for example, PSR J0740 + 6,620 (Riley et al., 2021).

Figure 9

Figure 9. Upper left panel: density dependence of Δ inferred under the constraint dMNS/dR<0 for all NS masses (blue) or dMNS/dR0 for a certain mass range (red); inference in the bottom figure with astrophysical constraints. Figure taken from Ferreira and Providência (2024). Upper right panel: two types of M-R curves classified by using the derivative dMNS/dR for NS masses between about 1M and MTOV to help understand the behavior of trace anomaly Δs shown in the left panel. Bottom: The trace anomaly for twin stars satisfying static and dynamic stability conditions. Figure taken from Jiménez et al. (2024).

The above constraints on the lower limit of Δ (realized in NSs) are summarized in the upper panel of Figure 10. Clearly, assuming all results are equally reliable within their individual errors indicated, there is a strong indication that the lower bound of Δ is negative in NSs. Moreover, except for the prediction of Jiménez et al. (2024), the lower bounds of Δ from various analyses are very close to the pQCD (ΔpQCD=0) or GR limit (ΔGR0.04). It is interesting to note that the ΔGR and ΔpQCD have no inner relation, to our best knowledge currently. However, we speculate that the matter-gravity duality in massive NSs mentioned earlier may be at work here. Certainly, this speculation deserves further study.

Figure 10

Figure 10. Upper panel: Summary of current constraints on the lower bound of trace anomaly Δ in NSs from different analyses with respect to the pQCD (dot-dashed line) and GR (black solid line) predictions. See the text for details. Lower panel: Sketch of two imagined patterns for Δ=1/3P/ε in NSs. The Δ is well constrained around the fiducial density ε0150MeV/fm3 by low-energy nuclear theories and is predicted to vanish due to the approximate conformality of the matter at ε50ε0 (or equivalently ρ40ρ0) using pQCD theories. Figure 1 The magenta curve is based on the assumption that the causality limit is reached in the most massive NS observed, where ε/ε0 being roughly around 48. Figure taken from Cai et al. (2023a).

How relevant are the GR or pQCD limits for understanding the trace anomaly Δ in NSs? The Δ and its energy density dependence are crucial for studying the s2 in NSs (Fujimoto et al., 2022). For instance, one can explore whether there would be a peaked structure in the density/radius profile of s2 in NSs. Sketched in the lower panel of Figure 10 (Cai et al., 2023a) are two imagined Δ functions versus the reduced energy density ε/ε0; here, ε0150MeV/fm3, around which the low-energy nuclear theories constrain the Δ quite well. We notice that these two functions are educated guesses, certainly with biases. In fact, it has been pointed out that applying a particular EOS in extracting Δ from observational data may influence the conclusion (Musolino et al., 2024). In the literature, there have been different imaginations/predictions/speculations on how the Δ at finite energy density may vary and finally reach its pQCD limit of Δ=0 at very large energy densities ε50ε07.5GeV/fm3 (Fujimoto et al., 2022; Kurkela et al., 2010) or equivalently ρ40ρ0. The latter is far larger than the energy density reachable in the most massive NSs reported so far based on our present knowledge. The pQCD limit on Δ is thus possibly relevant (Zhou, 2024) but not fundamental for explaining the inferred ϕ=P/ε1/3 from NS observational data based on various microscopic and/or phenomenological models. On the other hand, we also have no confirmation in any way that the causality limit is reached in any NS. The magenta curve is based on the assumption that the causality limit under GR is reached in the most massive NSs observed so far. Based on most model calculations, in the cores of these NSs, the ε/ε0 is roughly around 48. However, if the matter-gravity in massive NSs is indeed at work, we have no reason to expect that the GR limit is reached at an energy density lower than the one where the pQCD is applicable.

Keeping a positive attitude in our exploration of a completely uncharted area, we make a few more comments below on how the trace anomaly may reach the pQCD limit. As a negative Δ is unlikely to be observed in ordinary NSs, the evolution of Δ is probably more like the green curve in the lower panel of Figure 10. An (unconventional) exception may come from light but very compact NSs; for example, a 1.7M NS at the TOV configuration with radius approximately 9.3 km has its Δc0.02 because εc1.86GeV/fm3 together with Pc654MeV/fm3 should be obtained via the mass and radius scalings of (30) and (29), and so X=P̂c0.351. On the other hand, massive and compact NSs (masses 2M) are most relevant to observing a negative Δ (as indicated by the magenta curves) and how it evolves to the pQCD bound, thus revealing more about properties of supradense matter (Cai et al., 2023a). Interestingly, both the green and magenta curves for the Δ pattern are closely connected with the density dependence of the SSS using the trace anomaly decomposition of s2 (Fujimoto et al., 2022) (we do not discuss these interesting topics in the current review). Unfortunately, the region with ε/ε08 is largely inaccessible in NSs due to their self-gravitating nature.

6 Summary and future perspectives

In summary, perturbative analyses of the scaled TOV equations reveal interesting new insights into properties of supradense matter in NS cores without using any input nuclear EOS. In specific, the ratio ϕ=P/ε of pressure P over energy density ε (the corresponding trace anomaly Δ=1/3ϕ) in NS cores is bounded to be below 0.374 (above 0.04) by the causality condition under GR independent of the nuclear EOS. Moreover, we demonstrate that the NS mass MNS, radius R, and compactness ξ=MNS/R strongly correlate with Γc=εc1/2Πc3/2, νc=εc1/2Πc1/2 and Πc=X/(1+3X2+4X) with Xϕc=Pc/εc, respectively; therefore observational data on MNS and R as well as on ξ via red-shift measurements can directly constrain the central EOS Pc=Pc(εc) in a model-independent manner. In addition to the topics we have already investigated (Cai et al., 2023b; Cai et al., 2023a; Cai and Li, 2024a; Cai and Li, 2024b), there are interesting issues to be further explored in this direction. Particularly, we notice:

1. The upper limit for ϕ=P/ε near NS cores is obtained by truncating the perturbative expansion of P and ε to low orders in reduced radius r̂. While the results are quite consistent with existing constraints from state-of-the-art simulations/inferences, refinement by including even higher-order r̂ terms would be important for studying the radius profile of ϕ or Δ in NSs. In the Appendix, we estimate such an effective correction.

2. Ironically, the upper bound ϕ=P/ε0.374 from GR is very close to that (P/ε1/3) from pQCD at extremely high densities (Bjorken, 1983; Kurkela et al., 2010; Fujimoto et al., 2022). While we speculated that the well-known matter-gravity duality in massive NSs may be at work, it is currently unclear whether there is a fundamental connection between them. Efforts to understand their relationships may provide useful hints for developing a unified theory for strong-field gravity and elementary particles in supradense matter.

Author contributions

B-JC: writing–original draft and writing–review and editing. B-AL: writing–original draft and writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Award Number DE-SC0013702 and the CUSTIPEN (China-U.S. Theory Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei) under the U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-SC0009971.


We would like to thank James Lattimer and Zhen Zhang for their helpful discussions.

Conflict of interest

Author B-JC was employed by Shadow Creator, Inc.

The remaining author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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The author(s) declare that no generative AI was used in the creation of this manuscript.

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AppendixEstimate of an effective correction to sc2

In this appendix, we estimate an effective correction to sc2 given in Equation 27 for NSs at the TOV configuration (Cai et al., 2023a). When writing down MNS in Equation 21, we adopt MNS=31R̂3W, which only includes the first term in the systematic expansion (Equation 14); necessarily, we may include higher-order terms from Equation 14 in MNS. As an effective correction, we now include 51a2R̂5 from Equation 14 to the NS mass, which modifies Equation 21 as


where R̂ is given by Equation 20 through X+b2R̂20, the coefficient ΓcR̂3W is defined in Equation 21, and the general relation a2=b2/sc2 is used to write 3a2R̂2/5=3X/5sc2. The factor “1+3a2R̂2/5” is actually the averaged reduced energy density ε̂ by including the a2-term in ε̂ of Equation 13, namely, MNS/W31R̂3ε̂ with

ε̂=0R̂dr̂r̂2ε̂r̂0R̂dr̂r̂2=1+35a2R̂2,  ε̂r̂1+a2r̂2.(A2)

Moreover, the sc2 in Equation A1 is now not given by Equation 27 but should include corrections due to including the a2-term in ε̂(r̂). Generally, we write it as:


where κ1 is a coefficient to be determined. In addition, we have 13X/5sc2(11/20)[1+9(1+κ1)X/11] using the sc2 of Equation A3; taking dMNS/dεc=0 with MNS given by Equation A1 gives the expression for sc2 (which is quite complicated). We then expanding the latter over X to order X2 to give


Matching the two expressions (Equations A3, A4) at order X2 gives κ1=3/25. After that, we determine X0.381 via sc21, which is close to and consistent with 0.374 obtained in the main text; and similarly, Δ0.048. The magnitude of the correction “+κ1X” in sc2 is smaller than 5% while the corresponding correction on X+GR is smaller than 2%. In addition, the NS mass now scales as


In order to obtain the corrections to sc2 more self-consistently and improve the accuracy of X+GR, one may include more terms in the expansion of P̂ over R̂ of Equation 14 (i.e., b2-term, b4-term and b6-term, etc.), the expansion of M̂ over R̂ of Equation 15 (i.e., a2-term, a4-term, a6-term, etc.), and in the mean while introduce corrections “1+κ1X+κ2X2+κ3X3+” in sc2 as we did in Equation A3. Then, determine the coefficients κ1, κ2, and κ3, etc. The procedure eventually becomes involved as more terms are included.

Keywords: equation of state, supradense matter, neutron star, Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equations, principle of causality, special relativity, speed of sound, generality relativity

Citation: Cai B-J and Li B-A (2024) New insights into supradense matter from dissecting scaled stellar structure equations. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 11:1502888. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1502888

Received: 27 September 2024; Accepted: 28 October 2024;
Published: 11 December 2024.

Edited by:

Armen Sedrakian, University of Wrocław, Poland

Reviewed by:

Carlos Frajuca, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil
Jiajie Li, Southwest University, China

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*Correspondence: Bao-Jun Cai, YmpjYWk4N0BnbWFpbC5jb20=; Bao-An Li, YmFvLWFuLmxpQHRhbXVjLmVkdQ==

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