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Infographic: Frontiers’ Editors by the numbers

Last updated July 1, 2016

Did you know Frontiers has the world’s largest editorial board with over 63,000 editors? The number is impressive, but what is even more impressive is the caliber of knowledge these editors bring to our journals. This is because at Frontiers our standards are high, but so are the standards of our editors as they are the ones who decide which articles are published.

Each one of our editors, from the Chief Editors to the Associate Editors, Review Editors and the Topic Editors, represents the best in their fields which is why we are proud to say that our editorial board representatives are from the highest ranking institutes in the world. These include National Institutes of Health, Harvard, Stanford, The Max Planck Society, Oxford and many others. The board also represents 170 different countries, and is equally dispersed between North America and Europe to ensure a cross-section of scientific knowledge, background and opinion.

Our Associate Editors and Review Editors are experts in their fields and are only asked to edit and review papers in their area of expertise.  Our Collaborative Review goes through a two-step process. Step one is an Independent Review Phase where the Review Editors evaluate independently from each other whether the research is scientifically correct aided by a standardised review questionnaire. Then the paper goes through an Interactive Phase where the authors and reviewers discuss directly with each other in our custom-built online review forum to address all issues raised until consensus is reached and the final decision is taken by the handling Associate Editor. This combination of renowned scientists acting as editors and reviewers and our unique review philosophy of collaboration and transparency yields the very best open access journals in publishing.

Learn more about our Collaborative Review process. Interested in joining our editorial team? Select your area of expertise from our journal page for specific contact information.

Frontiers editorial board

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