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- Freshwater Science section focuses on balancing water needs
Freshwater Science section focuses on balancing water needs
At the end of the last year, we started to work on a new, important and promising specialty section in Frontiers in Environmental Science__. Today, we are proud to announce the launch of this newest section – Freshwater Science, led by Specialty Chief Editor Prof. Stuart E Bunn from Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

“Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink”– Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge.
One of society’s great challenges is to balance the water needs for humans and nature. However, it is increasingly evident from recent global analyses that past approaches to water resource management have failed to address the threats to rivers and wetlands from human activities, and that the situation will worsen as demands for water, food and energy rise.
Sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems requires a stronger trans-disciplinary approach: in Freshwater Science we welcome original submissions aimed at finding solutions to water quality and water quantity problems affecting rivers, lakes and wetlands (including groundwater-dependent surface water systems). Our ultimate aim is to foster collaboration among water professionals and promote the science to underpin the Sustainable Development goals for freshwater.
As in all Frontiers journals, articles will benefit from standardized, rigorous, transparent and collaborative peer review and be published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, freely available to an international audience.
The Freshwater Science Editorial Board is currently composed of the following Associate Editors:
Anik Bhaduri, University of Bonn – Germany
Aizhong Ding, Beijing Normal University – China
Michael Douglas, School of Earth and Environment, University Of Western Australia – Australia
Karen Kidd, University of New Brunswick Saint John – Canada
Joon Ha Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology – South Korea
Timothy Moulton, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Rebecca Tharme, The Nature Conservancy – United Kingdom
David Tickner, WWF-UK – United Kingdom
If you are interested in becoming either an Associate Editor or Review Editor for Freshwater Science please contact environmentalscience.editorial.office@frontiersin.org for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Marcelle Cochrane, PhDJournal ManagerFrontiers in Environmental ScienceTwitter: @FrontEnvSci