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Frontiers in Neurology indexed in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports

Frontiers in Neurology has been selected for inclusion in the 2015 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports and will receive its first impact factor in 2016.  Since its launch in 2010, the journal has published 1,065 articles, and as of November 2015 has had over 3 million article views and downloads.

“It is all the high caliber papers that have been submitted to the journal and the diligent work of the editorial board, which has made this possible. Frontiers in Neurology is our 17th journal to be indexed in the Journal Citation Reports demonstrating once again the effectiveness of the Frontiers publishing model,” said Kamila Markram, CEO and co-founder of Frontiers.

Frontiers in Neurology is led by Field Chief Editor Jose Biller from the Loyola University Medical Center and 35 Specialty Chief Editors. Over 3,300 leading researchers and clinicians serve on the editorial boards that span 25 specialty research areas ranging from Neurotrauma and Brain Imaging methods to Neuro-Oncology, stroke, and teleneurology.

“This is wonderful news. We have been working to build up the journal’s community since its launch and I think Frontiers’ innovative peer-review process helps make Frontiers in Neurology more than a conventional journal. The collaborative efforts between the editors, reviewers and authors improve the articles and this has helped them receive high views, downloads and citations,” said Jose Biller, Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Neurology.

With over 39,000 peer-reviewed articles published since its launch in 2007, the “Frontiers in” journal series includes 54 journals spanning 414 specialty sections.  A recent analysis shows “Frontiers in” journals lead gold open access in both impact factor and size in most of  the Thomson Reuters 2014 Journal Citation Reports categories (see the numbers).

Find out more about Frontiers in Neurology and download the Frontiers in Neurology brochure here.

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November 02, 2015

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