Frontiers in the News: Largest human cognitive performance dataset reveals insights

Media coverage of research published in Frontiers

The largest human cognitive performance dataset reveals insights into the effects of lifestyle factors and aging. 

Lumosity, the leading brain training company, announced a new web-based, big data methodology for conducting human cognitive performance research.

The Human Cognition Project, Lumosity’s research platform, contains the world’s largest and continuously growing dataset of human cognitive performance, which currently includes more than 40 million people who have been tracked for up to 6 years.

The article, published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, examined how Lumosity’s dataset can provide insights into the lifestyle correlates of cognitive performance and the impact of age on learning rate.

Many leading media outlets covered this exciting news, including, Nature, Arts Technica,The Scientist, Information Week and Mescape. For the full list of media coverage, please click here. The paper is available here (open-access, of course!).