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- Frontiers eBooks published in September 2016
Frontiers eBooks published in September 2016
Below is a list of Frontiers eBooks published in September 2016. All Frontiers eBooks are free to download, share and distribute.
How Fear and Stress Shape the Mind, hosted by Luke R. Johnson
Single Membrane Channels Formed by Connexins or Pannexins: Focus on the Nervous System, hosted by Juan Andrés Orellana
Components of the Language-Ready Brain, hosted by Cedric Boeckx and Antonio Benítez-Burraco
Frontiers of Sulfur Metabolism in Plant Growth, Development, and Stress Response, hosted by Stanislav Kopriva, Dibyendu Talukdar, Hideki Takahashi, Rüdiger Hell, Agnieszka Sirko, Stanislaus F. D’ Souza and Tulika Talukdar
Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities, hosted by Pablo Fernández-Berrocal and Purificación Checa
Neural Signal Estimation in the Human Brain, hosted by Christopher W. Tyler, Clare Howarth and Lora T. Likova
The Proteins of Plastid Nucleoids – Structure, Function and Regulation, hosted by Thomas Pfannschmidt and Jeannette Pfalz
Neurophysiology in Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, hosted by Davide Vito Moretti
Auditory Efferent System: New Insights from Cortex to Cochlea, hosted by Paul H. Delano and Ana B. Elgoyhen
Perception and Cognition: Interactions in the Ageing Brain, hosted by Harriet A. Allen and Katherine L. Roberts
Anthropogenic Impacts on the Microbial Ecology and Function of Aquatic Environments, hosted by Maurizio Labbate, Justin R. Seymour, Federico Lauro and Mark V. Brown
Better Together: A Joined-Up Psychological Approach to Health, Well-Being, and Rehabilitation, hosted by Dónal G. Fortune, Elaine L. Kinsella and Orla M. Muldoon
Glycan Diversity in Fungi, Bacteria and Sea Organisms, hosted by Eliana Barreto-Bergter
Ethylene’s Role in Plant Mineral Nutrition, hosted by Francisco Javier Romera, Aaron P. Smith and Rafael Pérez-Vicente
Plant Single Cell Type Systems Biology, hosted by Marc Libault and Sixue Chen
Antifungal Drug Discovery: New Theories and New Therapies, hosted by Chaminda Jayampath Seneviratne and Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa
Natural Diversity in the New Millennium, hosted by Joanna M. Cross, Chiarina Darrah, Nnadozie Oraguzie, Nourollah Ahmadi and Aleksandra Skirycz
Unraveling Neuroprotective and Neurodegenerative Signals in Neurodegeneration, hosted by Irving E. Vega and Timothy J. Collier
Genomics in Aquaculture to Better Understand Species Biology and Accelerate Genetic Progress, hosted by José Manuel Yáñez, Ross Houston and Scott Newman
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Fornix, hosted by Kenichi Oishi and Constantine G. Lyketsos
Color Vision Sensation and Perception, hosted by Marcelo Fernandes Costa
In vivo Cell Biology of Cerebral Cortical Development and Its Related Neurological Disorders, hosted by Takeshi Kawauchi, Margareta Nikolić and Yoko Arai
50th Anniversary of Adult Neurogenesis: Olfaction, Hippocampus and Beyond, hosted by Alino Martinez-Marcos, José L.Trejo and Laura López-Mascaraque
What Determines Social Behavior? Investigating the Role of Emotions, Self-Centered Motives, and Social Norms, hosted by Corrado Corradi-Dell’Acqua, Leonie Koban, Susanne Leiberg, Patrik Vuilleumier and Ernst Fehr
Emotion and Behavior, hosted by Fritz Strack, Paul Pauli and Peter Weyers
Why Vaccines to HIV, HCV and Malaria Have So Far Failed – Challenges to Developing Vaccines against Immunoregulating Pathogens, hosted by Shuo Li, Magdalena Plebanski, Peter Smooker and Eric J. Gowans
Systems Biology of Transcription Regulation, hosted by Ekaterina Shelest, Edgar Wingender and Joerg Linde
Microbial Ecology of Arid Terrestrial Systems, hosted by Thulani P. Makhalanyane, Don Cowan and Jean-Baptiste Ramond
From Meaning of Working to Meaningful Lives: The Challenges of Expanding Decent Work, hosted by Annamaria Di Fabio and David L. Blustein
What Can Neuroscience Learn from Contemplative Practices?, hosted by Zoran Josipovic and Bernard J. Baars
Protein Solubility and Aggregation in Bacteria, hosted by Salvador Ventura

From a global perspective aquaculture is an activity related to food production with large potential for growth.
NK Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy, hosted by Francisco Borrego, Susana Larrucea, Rafael Solana and Raquel Tarazona
Frontiers in Synaptic Plasticity: Dendritic Spines, Circuitries and Behavior, hosted by Alberto A. Rasia-Filho, Rochelle S. Cohen and Oliver von Bohlen und Halbach
The Impact of Active and Passive Smoking upon Health and Neurocognitive Function, hosted by Thomas Heffernan
Plastic Surgery for the Oncological Patient, hosted by Adrien Daigeler and Björn Behr

Tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including a variety of cancers, lung disease and damage to the cardiovascular system.