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Coming soon: Frontiers in Water

Image of sea water moving

2.1 billion people are not able to access clean drinking water and groundwater is being depleted faster than it can be replenished, according to the World Bank. The United Nations estimates that four out of every ten people are affected by water scarcity today.

Praveen Kumar, Chief Editor of Frontiers in Water

Praveen Kumar

Frontiers in Water — a new open access online-only journal is set to launch in 2019 — provides a platform for science to address these urgent challenges head-on. Under the stewardship of Chief Editor Professor Praveen Kumar, University of Illinois, the journal explores water issues in various contexts, such as built environment, critical zone, water bodies such as rivers and lakes, groundwater and cryosphere, and water related outcomes such as public health and infectious diseases.

Frontiers in Water led by top scientists

The distinguished Editorial Board of Frontiers in Water includes Professor Praveen Kumar; Professor Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Forschungszentrum Jülich; Professor Auroop Ganguly, Northeastern University; Dr Boris van Breukelen, TU Delft; and Professor Carl Steefel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Two specialties are already open for submissions:

Four more specialties will be ready for submissions in early 2019:

  • Water Quality

  • Water and Critical Zone

  • Water and Climate

  • Water and Public Health

The Frontiers in Water Editorial Board welcomes applications to high profile editorial positions across this range of expertise.

The official launch of the journal will follow in early 2019 while Frontiers is currently working to develop article collections in a variety of top-priority areas.

Chief Editor Praveen Kumar calls for understanding water resources in all its facets

“The strain on water resources from local to global scale is being exacerbated by increasing interaction between various stressors including human systems (from public health to economic growth), sustainability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and the preservation of the critical zone,” explains Professor Kumar.

“As the world races to a population of 10 billion in a little over 30 years, we will need to develop new paradigms for understanding, managing and using this precious resource. Solutions need to be rooted in deeper scientific understanding that can detect nuanced patterns and trends in diverse environments. This science must be anchored in evidence provided by emerging data streams, and predictions of dynamics at the confluence of seemingly unrelated drivers. Societal institutions, civic societies, and governance models will need to strongly integrate co-evolving water related constraints into developing effective solutions.”

Frontiers in Water will capitalize on the open access framework to publish novel, high-quality interdisciplinary research that covers theoretical, analytical and computational advances; data driven machine/deep learning developments including artificial intelligence applications; experimental and observational investigations; advances in sensing, measurements and other data collection approaches pertaining to physical, chemical, biological, ecological and human dimensions, and investigations based thereon; and advances in policy, economics and governance pertaining to water. 

The journal will welcome research from both academia and industry, creating a synergistic network which facilitates the evolution of the fast-growing and exciting field of water resources study.

Frontiers in Water will be open for submissions in the coming months.

Frontiers journals lead in citations and rank in top Impact Factor and CiteScore percentiles. See full analysis

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December 12, 2018

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