Dr Eric Topol to explore how AI will shape the future of healthcare at Frontiers Forum virtual event

Digital medicine and medical artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer Dr Eric Topol will address thousands of researchers and policy makers from around the world on June 12, highlighting the transformative potential of digital technologies on medicine and healthcare.

The Frontiers Forum is where global researchers, policymakers, and other experts discuss science-led solutions for healthy lives on a healthy planet.

Our next virtual event features renowned medical researcher and physician Dr Eric Topol, who will explore the use of genomic and digital data, together with AI, to individualize medicine and enhance human health. In conversation with Vivienne Parry OBE, he will discuss AI-driven treatments that have successfully improved disease prevention or management, as well as barriers to integrating AI into existing medical infrastructure.

Eric is one of the top 10 most-cited researchers in medicine, has authored three bestselling books on the future of medicine, and was voted as the most influential physician leader in the US. He is Founder and Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, Professor of Molecular Medicine, and Executive Vice-President of Scripps Research.

He joins a line up of exceptional Frontiers Forum speakers across health, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, climate change action, and AI. Previous events include talks by Nobel Prize winners Jennifer Doudna, Esther Duflo, and Al Gore, 2024 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement winner Johan Rockström, historian and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari, and former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

See all previous talks, as well as upcoming events, on the Frontiers Forum website.