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5 news posts in Veterinary Science


24 Jun 2022

Dr Deborah Nadal: Why a rigid rabies elimination strategy can struggle to take hold in a world of local complexities

Dr Deborah Nadal. Image: Rebecca Rodrigues Dr Deborah Nadal is an affiliate researcher at the University of Glasgow, where she works on rabies-related projects, and a consultant for the Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO). Her PhD research on the co-existence between people, free-roaming animals, and the rabies virus in urban India got turned into an award-winning book. Her two main research areas are health and animals (human and non-human), with a particular interest in how different species can contribute to each other’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing, especially in impoverished settings. Now, she tells us more about the need to understand local perceptions of rabies to tackle this deadly disease efficiently and sustainably. What inspired you to become a researcher? Becoming a researcher was not in my plans until rather recently. When, as a pre-school kid, I was asked what my job would be, I always replied “Licia Colò”. She is an Italian TV hostess famous for travel and animal shows. To the young me, she was the job. Then, as a school kid, the veterinary profession was my dream. In fact, my book is dedicated to this dream. But during my school years, my fascination with India started to grow as well and, despite the skepticism […]

Life sciences

07 Apr 2021

Study demonstrates the need to monitor the bit area of event horses

University of Helsinki A new study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science found that event horses that wear thin or thick bits in events had a greater risk of moderate or severe oral lesions compared to horses wearing medium-sized bits, while straight bits were associated with lesions in the bars of the horse’s mouth. “Our recommendation is to use a jointed bit of moderate thickness, that is 14 to 17 millimetres, if the size of the mouth is not known, paying particular attention to the handling of mares and both warmblood and coldblood event horses. They were seen to have a greater risk of mouth lesions compared to geldings and ponies,” says doctoral student and veterinarian Kati Tuomola from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki. “Since most mouth lesions are not evidenced as bleeding outside the mouth, the bit area should be monitored, and event organisers should carry out systematic oral inspections,” Tuomola adds. Read original article Download original article (pdf) The research group has previously investigated oral lesions in trotters. The object of the current study was event horses, that is horses which compete in events composed of three phases: show jumping, dressage and a cross-country test. […]

Frontiers news

04 Nov 2015

Frontiers in Veterinary Science launches new sections

We are very pleased to announce the launch of Frontiers in Veterinary Science latest specialty sections: Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics led by Prof. Andres M. Perez, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, USA Veterinary Imaging led by Prof. Fintan John McEvoy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Veterinary Regenerative Medicine led by Prof. Jennifer Genevieve Barrett, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, USA Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology led by Prof. Arturo Anadón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology led by Prof. Christopher R Byron , Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, USA “This is an exciting time for Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology, as advances in diagnostic techniques, treatments, and understanding of disease mechanisms are rapidly progressing. This specialty section of Frontiers in Veterinary Science will be an excellent forum for rapid dissemination of high-quality research to investigators and clinicians in all facets of the profession.” – Christopher R Byron, Specialty Chief Editor Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology Frontiers in Veterinary Science is led by Field Chief Editor Prof. Mary Christopher from the University of California-Davis, USA and it currently has 16 Specialty Chief Editors. Over 1,100 leading researchers and clinicians serve on the editorial boards that now span 14 specialty research areas ranging from Parasitology and Comparative and Clinical Medicine to Livestock Genomics […]