- 1School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
- 2Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
- 3National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School of Physics and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Accidental degeneracy plays an important role in the generation of novel band dispersions. Photonic structures that exhibit an accidental Dirac-like conical dispersion at the center of the Brillouin zone can behave like a zero-index material at the Dirac-point frequency, leading to a number of unique features, such as invariant phase in space, wave tunneling, photonic doping and anti-doping, etc. Such a phenomenon has been explored in on-chip structures or three dimensions recently. The introduction of non-Hermiticity into the system via loss or gain could transform the accidental Dirac-like cone into a spawning ring of exceptional points, a complex Dirac-like cone or other unique dispersions. Similar Dirac-like cones and related physics are also observed in phononic structures. This review presents an overview of the accidental-degeneracy-induced Dirac-like cones at the center of the Brillouin zone in both photonic and phononic structures, including the fundamental physics, effective-medium description and experimental demonstration, as well as current challenges and future directions.
Dirac cones or conical dispersions are unique features in some electronic band structures that describe unusual electron transport properties of materials like graphene. The electronic band structure of graphene near the Fermi level can be described by the massless Dirac equation near the six corners of the two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal Brillouin zone at the
Dirac cone dispersions can also be observed in classical wave periodic structures such as photonic crystals (PhCs) [3, 4] and phononic crystals (PnCs) [5–8]. As photonic/acoustic analogue of graphene, 2D triangular/honeycomb PhCs [9–24] and PnCs [23, 25–28] have been demonstrated to possess Dirac cones near the
Besides the structural symmetry, Dirac cones can also be created by accidental degeneracy through engineering the material and geometrical parameters [29–31]. In 2011, Huang et al. demonstrated a Dirac cone at the center of the Brillouin zone, i.e., the
The presence or absence of Dirac-like cones is determined by the combination of mode symmetries [33, 34]. We should emphasize that accidental degeneracy can also lead to Dirac cones of double degeneracy in periodic systems without structural symmetry and at almost any k point in the Brillouin zone [35], i.e. beyond the Brillouin zone center, edges and high-symmetry lines. Such accidental-degeneracy-induced Dirac cones in general can be achieved by closing band gaps at a desired k point with a band engineering method [35] or other optimization techniques [36–40].
The PhC possessing a Dirac-like cone at the
The PhC with a Dirac-like cone has attracted significant research interest [23, 33, 35, 40, 59, 60, 64, 86–121]. Extensive investigations revealed many unique and interesting features. For instance, double Dirac cones, as a pair of two identical and overlapping Dirac cones, were observed at the
The Dirac cone system has been extended from the original 2D to on-chip platform or the bound state in continuum (BIC) [22, 135–147] and three-dimension (3D) [148–150], and from the original Hermitian (lossless) to non-Hermitian (lossy or gain) ones [136, 151–155]. It was discovered that the Dirac degeneracy can be straightforwardly linked to exceptional points (EPs) through the introduction of non-Hermiticity, i.e., material loss, gain, or open boundaries. The EP is a singularity in a non-Hermitian system where two or more eigenvalues and their associated eigenfunctions collapse into one eigenvalue or eigenfunction [156–158]. Besides photonic structures, the concept of Dirac-like cones has also been applied to other kinds of classical wave structures, including acoustic and elastic structures [23, 28, 148, 159–174].
This review presents an overview of Dirac-like cones from Hermitian and non-Hermitian systems in both photonic and phononic structures. We will introduce the fundamental physics, effective-medium description and experimental demonstration, as well as current challenges and potential directions of future research.
Photonic Crystals With a Dirac-like Cone as Zero Index Materials
Figure 1A shows an example of a 2D PhC that exhibits a Dirac-like cone at the center of the Brillouin zone. The PhC consists of a square lattice of dielectric cylinders. The polarization is transverse-magnetic polarization, with electric field parallel to the cylinder axis. A Dirac-like cone, i.e., the triply-degenerate point, occurs at the

FIGURE 1. (A) The band structure of a PhC consisting of a square lattice of dielectric rods. Two branches with linear dispersion intersect at a triply-degenerate point at the
In the vicinity of the
The first two eigenvalues indicate the conical linear dispersion in the vicinity of Dirac-point frequency, while third one is related to the intersecting flat band.
The experimental observation of the Dirac-like cone was realized in the microwave regime by Huang et al in 2011 [32] using a square array of alumina rods embedded within a parallel-plate waveguide, as schematically shown in Figure 1B. In the experimental implementation, the alumina rods have a finite height of 16 mm. To realize effective 2D PhC with infinite height, aluminum plates, as perfect electric conductor boundaries, are utilized to form a parallel plate waveguide. At the Dirac-point frequency, the PhC was found to behave like an impedance-matched ZIM with
The optical PhC with a Dirac-like cone was demonstrated by Moitra et al in 2013 [91]. We note that the implementation at microwave frequencies cannot be directly transplanted to the optical frequencies because the dissipation loss of metal plates is dramatic. Therefore, an out-of-plane configuration by patterning horizontal square array of silicon bars was proposed instead (Figure 1C). The measured spectrum shows a ZIM-induced transmission peak at the wavelength of 1,409 nm, corresponding to the Dirac-like point. Furthermore, ZIM-enabled applications including angular selectivity of transmission and directional quantum dot emission were experimentally demonstrated.
It is noteworthy that the Dirac-like cone is a consequence of accidental degeneracy rather than structural symmetry. When the system parameters (e.g., cylinder radius or relative permittivity) are changed, the triple degenerate modes at the Dirac point will split into a single monopole mode and doubly degenerate dipole modes, forming a photonic band gap [32]. The band edge points at the
ZIMs with a Dirac-like cone and a finite group velocity enable many intriguing applications. In the following, we give three examples of unique applications. The first one is the hybrid invisibility cloak based on the integration of metasurfaces and ZIM (Figure 2A) [64]. The key functionalities of wavefront tailoring with the metasurfaces and wave energy tunneling with the ZIM are combined together to achieve the invisibility cloak. The second one is a geometry-invariant coherent perfect absorber via doping an impedance-matched ZIM with absorptive defects (Figure 2B) [59]. The behavior of coherent perfect absorption is independent of the size and shape of the ZIM and the position of the doping defects, because of the zero spatial phase change and uniform electric fields inside the ZIM. The third one is a plane-concave lens made of ZIM at near-infrared wavelengths (Figure 2C) [139]. Due to the zero spatial phase change across the ZIM, such a plane-concave lens can focus the incident plane wave with ultralow spherical aberration.

FIGURE 2. (A) Left: schematic graph of a hybrid invisibility cloak based on the integration of metasurfaces and ZIM. Middle: picture of the fabricated microwave cloaking shell, which consists of a metasurface and a PhC with a Dirac-like cone. Right panel shows the electric-field distribution. The part inside the region marked by the green rectangle is measured in the experiment, and the other part is obtained by simulations. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [64]. (B) Left: illustration of the geometry-invariant coherent perfect absorber by using impedance-matched ZIM doped with absorptive defects. Middle panel shows the microwave experimental setup. A dielectric PhC with a Dirac-like cone is utilized to work as an effective impedance-matched ZIM. Right panel shows the measured electric-field distribution at the Dirac-point frequency. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [59]. (C) Left: schematic view of a plane-concave lens made of ZIM. Middle: scanning electron microscopy image of the fabricated lens consisting of silicon nanopillars on a silicon substrate. Right: optical microscope images of two incoherent beams passing through the lens, showing the focusing behavior at 1490 nm. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [139].
Non-Hermitian Dirac-Like Cones and Effective Medium Description
The abovementioned Dirac-like cone is based on the assumption of Hermitian PhC. It is reasonable, as the PhC are composed of low-loss dielectric materials. It is interesting to point out the band dispersion of the PhC could be drastically deformed if there exists loss/gain [24, 80, 136, 151–155, 175]. In 2015, Zhen et al experimentally demonstrated that in a photonic crystal slab the radiative loss-induced non-Hermitian perturbation can deform the Dirac-like cone into a 2D flat band enclosed by a ring of EPs [136]. The EP is a singularity in a non-Hermitian system where two or more eigenvalues and their associated eigenfunctions collapse into one eigenvalue or eigenfunction [156–158]. In the absence of loss, a Dirac-like cone as the result of accidental degeneracy of a doubly degenerate dipole mode and a single quadrupole mode dipole can be obtained at the

FIGURE 3. (A) The real (left panel) and imaginary (right panel) parts of the eigen-frequencies of a PhC slab with finite thickness. By tuning the radius, accidental degeneracy in the real part can be achieved, but the Dirac-like cone is deformed into a 2D flat band enclosed by a ring of EPs. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [136] [(B–D)] The real (left) and imaginary (right) parts of the eigen-frequencies of a 2D non-Hermitian PhC consisting of a square lattice of cylindrical rods, showing (B) the ring of EPs, (C) complex Dirac-like cone with conical dispersions in both real and imaginary frequency spectra, and (D) the quadratic degeneracy. The relative permittivities of the rods (or background medium) are
These unique dispersion characteristics of the non-Hermitian PhC can also be described by an effective Hamiltonian as [33, 136].
with complex eigenvalues
We note that the radiative loss from the PhC slab can be considered equivalent to the material loss in a 2D PhC. This provides us a simple way to investigate the non-Hermitian properties through engineering the losses in different constituents of the PhC. In 2021, Luo et al proposed a non-Hermitian 2D PhC composed of a square lattice of cylindrical rods [155]. The background medium and/or cylindrical rods contain material loss/gain. Through engineering the material loss/gain, it was discovered that besides the ring of EPs (Figure 3B), complex Dirac-like cone with conical dispersions in both real and imaginary frequency spectra (Figure 3C), and the quadratic degeneracy (Figure 3D) can be realized in non-Hermitian PhCs [155]. Such phenomena show the unique consequences of introducing loss/gain to the PhCs with Dirac-like cones.
Moreover, it was found that these non-Hermitian properties can be well explained from the effective medium point of view [155]. In a non-Hermitian PhC involving loss and/or gain, the eigen-frequency becomes a complex value as
On-Chip Applications With Cladding and BIC Techniques
For on-chip applications, the PhCs with a Dirac-like cone would suffer from large radiative losses in the out-of-plane direction, because the Dirac-cone dispersion resides above the light line and the transverse dipole mode forming the Dirac-like cone can couple to extended plane waves in free space [30, 31]. This would turn the PhC to be non-Hermitian, and hence the Dirac-like cone would disappear, hindering its applications as the ultralow-loss ZIM. In this sense, it is very important to solve the issue of radiative loss from real PhC chip structures with finite pillar height [22, 135–147]. In order to eliminate the out-of-plane radiative loss, two important classes of approaches have been proposed, that is, the utilization of claddings and BIC techniques.
A mirror cladding can reflect the leaky wave back down into the PhC slab, so as to eliminate the out-of-plane radiation. In 2015 Li et al fabricated an on-chip PhC slab cladded with gold films to avoid out-of-plane radiation, and a Dirac-like cone was observed at the wavelength of 1,590 nm (Figure 4A) [138]. However, such an implementation suffers propagation loss due to the conduction loss originating from the gold films. To reduce the conduction loss from the mirror, a dielectric Bragg reflector was proposed (Figure 4B) [30]. The Bragg reflector can reflect the leaky wave back down into the pillars, where it destructively interferes with the leaky wave below the array, thus eliminating the radiative loss.

FIGURE 4. (A) Scanning electron microscopy image of an on-chip PhC with a Dirac-like cone, and the schematic of unit cell. The cladding gold films are used to eliminate the out-of-plane radiation. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [138]. (B) Schematic of Bragg reflector design used to reflect the leaky wave back down into the pillars, where it destructively interferes with the leaky wave below the array. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [30]. (C) Extent of the ring of EPs in the
Another technique is based on the concept of BIC, which is the photonic mode in the radiation continuum above the light line but is confined with an infinite quality factor [176]. With the BIC, it is possible to create resonances in a PhC slab with a Dirac-like cone that do not radiate [177]. Specifically, through engineering the height of the PhC slab, all the upward/downward out-of-plane radiation destructively interferes, thus forming a resonance-trapped BIC with a high quality factor (Figure 4C) [140]. Consequently, the radiative loss-induced EP ring would shrink into a Dirac-like cone [140, 145–147], which has been experimentally demonstrated at near-infrared wavelengths (Figure 4D) [147]. The Dirac-like cone is the consequence of the accidental degeneracy of a pair of dipole modes and a single quadrupole mode at the
We note that the monopole and higher-order modes besides the dipole modes at the
Three-Dimensional Dirac-Like Cone and the Electromagnetic Void Space
Previously, Dirac-like cones due to accidental degeneracy are mostly investigated in 2D systems. 3D Dirac-like cones and ZIMs were rarely explored. Actually, the wave behaviors in 2D and 3D ZIM are inherently different as the former obey scalar wave equations while the latter follow vector wave equations. As a result, some physical effects observed in 2D ZIM, such as photonic doping [57–61], are absent in 3D ZIM. Instead, when a 3D impedance-matched ZIM contains random defects, unusual percolation of electromagnetic waves could appear [62]. In 2015 Luo et al theoretically demonstrated that there exists an unusual type of percolation threshold which, unlike normal percolation theory, is induced by the long-range connectivity of the defects in the transverse direction [62] (Figure 5A). It was discovered that below the percolation threshold, the transmittance is always unity, irrespective of the material, shape and size of the embedded inclusions. The electromagnetic waves can squeeze through the gaps between random defects. While beyond the threshold, the transmittance will generally suffer a sharp reduction, and become strongly dependent on the configuration of defects (Figure 5B).

FIGURE 5. (A) Schematic of unusual percolation of electromagnetic waves in a 3D impedance-matched ZIM host with defects. (B) Upper: schematic diagram of a 3D ZIM host embedded with random dielectric cylinders below the percolation threshold (left), and the simulated electric-field distribution, showing perfect transmission of electromagnetic waves (right). Lower: schematic diagram of the case beyond the percolation threshold (left), and the simulated electric-field distribution, showing near-zero transmission (right). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [62]. (C) A theoretical design of 3D ZIM using a 3D PhC consisting of a simple cubic lattice of core-shell spheres. A Dirac-like cone composed of sixfold degenerate modes is observed at the
The 3D PhC with a Dirac-line cone dispersion offers a platform to explore the intriguing features of 3D ZIM. A theoretical design was investigated by Chan in 2012 [148]. The PhC consists of a simple cubic lattice of core-shell spheres. The core is a perfect electric conductor, and the shell is dielectric. From Figure 5C Dirac-like cone as the consequence of sixfold degenerate modes is observed at the
Dirac-Like Cones in Acoustic and Elastic Structures
The concept of Dirac-like cones has also been developed in other kinds of classical wave structures including acoustic and elastic structures [23, 28, 148, 159–174].
In acoustics, the two key physical parameters that are essential for the propagation of the sound wave in materials are mass density and bulk modulus. Through carefully designing the two key physical parameters, microstructure and dimension parameters of PnCs, the Dirac-like cones at the center of the Brillouin zone can be obtained, also showing the effective zero refraction index property (i.e., simultaneous zero mass density and zero reciprocal bulk modulus). An experimental visualization of the Dirac-like cone in a 2D PnC was realized by Dubois et al in 2017 [166]. The PnC is a square lattice of blind holes (Figure 6A). Three bands are degenerate at the Dirac point, which correspond to a monopole mode and doubly degenerate dipole modes. Through measuring pressure field radiated by acoustic point source embedded in PnC, the directive emission enabled by zero refractive index was observed at the Dirac-point frequency. The 3D PnC exhibiting a Dirac-like cone was experimentally demonstrated by Xu et al in 2020 (Figure 6B) [174]. The unit cell of the PnC comprises three aluminum rods in air. A Dirac-like cone composed of fourfold degenerate modes occurs at the

FIGURE 6. (A) Left: enlarged view of dispersion surfaces near the Dirac-like cone of the PnC consisting of a square lattice of blind holes. Middle: photograph of the fabricated sample. Right: measured pressure field radiated by an acoustic point source embedded in PnC, showing the directive emission behavior at the Dirac-point frequency. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [166]. (B) Left: simulated pressure-field distribution when a bending waveguide is filled with 3D cubic-lattice PnC with a Dirac-like cone. The inset shows the unit cell comprising three aluminum rods in air. Right: photograph of the fabricated bending waveguide. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [174]. (C) Left: band structure for in-plane modes of a 2D triangular-lattice PnC consisting of rubber cylinders embedded in silicon host, and the enlarged view of the double Dirac cone. Right: simulated displacement-field distributions for the 2D PnC embedded with the steel cylinders to achieve transmission preserving plane wave characteristic (upper) and total reflection (lower). Different columns represent the incident longitudinal and transverse waves, respectively. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [163]. (D) Left: schematic of the tapered unit cell of a square-lattice PnC. Middle: enlarged view of dispersion surfaces near the Dirac-like cone. Right: photograph of U-shaped waveguide channel filled with the PnC, and measured amplitude of out-of-plane velocity at the Dirac-point frequency. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [165].
In solids, both longitudinal and transverse waves exist, and the wave propagation properties are characterized by more parameters, such as the shear modulus. Through engineering the characteristic and dimension parameters, it is also possible to obtain Dirac cones in a PnC supporting both longitudinal and transverse waves. For example, Liu et al designed a 2D triangular-lattice PnC consisting of rubber cylinders embedded in silicon host, exhibiting a double Dirac cone at the
Summary and Outlook
We have reviewed the study of Dirac-like cones in both PhCs and PnCs, from Hermitian to non-Hermitian systems and from 2D to 3D. PhCs/PnCs with a Dirac-like cone at the center of the Brillouin zone behave as effective ZIM at the Dirac-point frequency, providing a remarkable platform for the ultralow-loss ZIMs and the ZIM-based applications. Due to this unique feature, the Dirac-like cones have attracted considerable attention from theoretical investigation of underlying physics to experimental verification and application exploration.
Despite the above advances, there are some remaining important open questions are worth exploring. For instance, the fast inverse design of Dirac-like cones at will is an interesting question. The inverse design problem, meaning the direct retrieval of the proper structure for the desired optical performance, requires exploration of a large degree of freedom in the design space, and hence is very challenging and time-consuming [36, 181]. Recently, topology optimization, as a large-scale computational technique employing powerful gradient-based numerical algorithms, has been applied to inversely design Dirac-like cones [36–40]. The topology optimization is a rule-based approach containing iterative searching steps in a case-by-case manner, usually relying on numerical simulations in each step to produce intermediate results that help to modify the searching strategy [181]. This process would be very time-consuming especially when dealing with complicated 3D structures. Deep learning, as a data-driven methodology, could overcome complicated design problems with growth of structural complexity and higher degree of freedom through training the artificial neural network [36, 181]. A trained neural network can be used as a fast, general purpose predictor of optical and electromagnetic responses of complicated 3D structures, and is particularly efficient in solving notoriously difficult inverse problems in nanophotonics [182–185]. Another way is the utilization of the systematic band engineering method that has realized Dirac cones at arbitrary k point in the Brillouin zone of PhCs without symmetry [35]. With such advanced designing techniques, customized Dirac and Dirac-like cones can realized in complex PhCs/PnCs.
Another interesting topic is the realization of Dirac-like cones or ZIMs at the deep-subwavelength scale. One of the most important features of PhCs/PnCs with Dirac-like cones is that they can mimic effective ZIM. However, most of the PhCs/PnCs are composed of periodic structures, whose lattice constant is in the half-wavelength scale. Such a bulky size hinders many applications that require deep-wavelength ZIM, including tunneling effect in deep-subwavelength channels [48–50] and arbitrary control of energy flux in the deep-subwavelength scale [52], etc. The realization of PhCs/PnCs with Dirac-like cones in the deep-subwavelength scale is important to expand their application scenarios.
Author Contributions
YL and JL conceived the idea and wrote the draft of this review.
This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos 2020YFA0211300, 2020YFA0211400, 2017YFA0303702) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 11974176, 12174188), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021M702401), the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD).
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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Keywords: zero refractive index, photonic/phononic band structure, metamaterials, Dirac/Dirac-like cones, non-Hermitian optics
Citation: Luo J and Lai Y (2022) Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Dirac-Like Cones in Photonic and Phononic Structures. Front. Phys. 10:845624. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.845624
Received: 30 December 2021; Accepted: 19 January 2022;
Published: 08 February 2022.
Edited by:
Xiaoyong Hu, Peking University, ChinaReviewed by:
Meng Xiao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaQiuchen Yan, Peking University, China
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*Correspondence: Yun Lai, bGFpeXVuQG5qdS5lZHUuY24=