Thank you to the amazing women of Frontiers!

The 211 dedicated, creative, hard-working, innovative, passionate women at Frontiers are making high-quality science openly available to the world.

Global gender parity may be over 200 years away1 — but Frontiers was there from the start. Today 57% of our workforce is female. These dedicated professionals work across all functions, from IT and database solutions to journal development to review operations and production. On top of this, 55% of our senior managers are women, including our co-founder and CEO Kamila Markram.

Within the Frontiers academic community, women represent 38% of authors, 26% of editors and 22% of reviewers.

This is among the highest for the publishing sector, but more needs to be done. This is why we’ve implemented targeted strategies to inspire young scientists and encourage more leading female academics to take on editorial roles in Frontiers.

As women today, we stand on the shoulders of pioneering women. It’s very important that young girls and young business women see successful women in leadership positions.

Kamila Markram

We’re proud of all our staff, authors, editors and reviewers — but especially hope that the amazing women in our community inspire young girls around the world to follow their dreams and believe that they can do anything.

1World Economic Forum: The Global Gender Gap Report 2017