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Pathology & Oncology Research transitions to Open Access with Frontiers

Frontiers is thrilled to announce that the journal Pathology & Oncology Research (Impact Factor 2.433), currently published by Springer Nature, will be transferring to Frontiers as of January 2021. The journal will also be transitioning from a Subscription, Hybrid model to Gold Open Access.

The Arányi Lajos Foundation founded the journal in 1995, alongside the founding editors László Kopper, Judit Nagy, Zsolt Orosz and József Tímár. The foundation continues to own the journal and is looking forward to many years of collaboration with Frontiers.

The editors-in-chief of the journal László Kopper and József Tímár stated, “This transition to an Open Access model gives us the opportunity to distribute the results of the published papers to a broader readership and audience, which could lead to higher levels of recognition of those papers published. In addition, since a proportion of Pathology & Oncology Research’s authors are from lower and middle economically developed countries, this transition may help them to be better recognized in their respective fields.”

Upon the celebration of the Journal’s 25th anniversary in 2020, the foundation decided that the time was right to take the next step in the journal’s natural development. Therefore, from January 2021, all articles published in the journal will be made immediately open and free to access. In addition, to support early career researchers from the foundation’s home institution, Semmelweis University, PhD Students based at the university will benefit from a highly discounted article processing charge.

Frontiers is proud to be collaborating with the foundation to publish Pathology & Oncology Research as part of our Publishing Partnerships program. Frontiers’ Publishing Partnerships offers societies and universities a financially sustainable model to transition to Open Access, as well as the highest quality customer service for your authors. In addition, societies collaborating with the program will benefit from the use of the award-winning Frontiers Open Science platform, which can be uniquely tailored to suit your individual journal’s needs.

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May 20, 2020

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