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- The University of Oklahoma-Norman forms Open-Access Publishing Agreement with Frontiers
The University of Oklahoma-Norman forms Open-Access Publishing Agreement with Frontiers
As part of the University of Oklahoma’s support in making research more widely available, the University Libraries at the University of Oklahoma-Norman have agreed to an institutional membership agreement with Frontiers, enabling OU-Norman-affiliated corresponding authors to benefit from a 15% membership discount on article processing charges (APCs) in any of Frontiers’ journals.
In addition to the discount, insights into institutional activity will be included in data reports to be made available directly to OU-Norman.
Information for OU-Norman authors:
The discount will be automatically applied if OU-Norman-affiliated corresponding authors submit manuscripts with a University of Oklahoma institutional email address. If they submit via another email domain, but indicate OU-Norman as the affiliation on the paper, Frontiers will verify eligibility for the discount with the University Libraries at OU-Norman. As such, OU-Norman-affiliated corresponding authors should use their institutional email address to submit a manuscript whenever possible.
For more information on this agreement, please contact the University Libraries at OU-Norman at scholarlycommunication@ou.edu.
We hope that this agreement will further encourage University of Oklahoma-Norman authors to publish open access.
For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements, please visit our institutional memberships page or contact institutions@frontiersin.org to discuss the possibilities for your organization.
(Updated 31 January 2023)